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Position Paper Technological Innovations For Climate Change Mitigation

Essay Instructions:

Revision needed as per professor instructions in file 1( Screenshot 2018-12-01 at 16-33).

Additional comments regarding a bad mark I received are in the next Screenshot.

The Position Paper

This assignment aims to give you an opportunity to develop your thoughts about the Technological Innovations for Climate Change Mitigation or any positive impact technologies may bring to the environment. Two articles or research papers should be used.


The ulterior motives for the assignment are (1) to see whether you’ve mastered the process of creating a clear claim and supporting it with credible evidence, (2) to give you a chance to demonstrate that you’ve memorized the mechanics of an American-style argumentative essay, and (3) provide yet more practice with American idioms.

The work must include:

An introductory paragraph in which you make a claim about some aspect of climate change.

At least two paragraphs providing evidence supporting your claim with evidence from credible sources.

One naysayer paragraph considering and dismissing a view counter to your own.

A concluding paragraph reviewing your claim and evidence and considering the implications of your claim.

A References page.

Paper should include:

Structure –

An introductory paragraph in which you make a claim about some aspect of climate change, cyber security, and global politics.

At least two paragraphs providing evidence supporting your claim by introducing and quoting credible sources.

One naysayer paragraph considering and dismissing a view counter to your own.

A concluding paragraph reviewing your claim and evidence, and considering the implications of your claim.

A references page in APA format.

Mechanics –

Paragraphs begin with topic sentences and end with concluding sentences.

Quotations are correctly integrated into your own sentences.

In-text citations are in APA format.

References page is in APA format.

Content and grammar –

Paper focuses on an original, compelling argument.

Evidence is from credible sources.

Paper is easy to follow and grammatically correct.


Essay Sample Content Preview:


Position paper - technological innovations for climate change mitigation

Technology and Environment

Author Name

Institution Affiliation

Technological solutions are increasingly important to combating major environmental problems including climate change mitigation. There is a need to change our way of thinking to generate creative workable solutions and integrate innovations to climate change. The development of low carbon technologies is one way to reduce the impact of human activities on greenhouse emissions, and using technologies will likely support efforts to solve the climate change problem. There technological advances and innovations include redesigning products and processes in smart homes to reduce pollution and energy inefficiency. Reducing fossil fuel consumption at homes will decrease carbon emissions as approximately a third of the energy use and energy emissions are linked to household energy use (Stern, et al., 2016). Technological innovations are necessary to reduce greenhouse emissions and climate change mitigation.

One of the innovations in the petroleum industry is Shell’s innovative gas-to-liquid fuel technology to reduce emission and air pollution from diesel vehicles. Carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels remains one of the biggest sources of greenhouse emissions. The company started developing this technology in the 70s, but has now developed better innovations, which gas into high-quality liquid fuels (Shell). These liquid fuels do not contain the aromatics, sulfur and nitrogen impurities present in crude oils (Shell). As the level of greenhouse emissions from cars and liquid fuel increases, there is a greater need for innovative and effective technology solutions to reduce harmful emissions. This will reduce air pollution in the transport and shipping sectors and among the industrial users. While there are still technology challenges, promoting technological innovation will go a long way in addressing environmental problems, and deal with clima...

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