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Research On Climate Change As A Greatest Phenomenon

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Comparing on Chinese and American school, do you think what is the differences between cheating? (Needs to compare by two school, my high school is called XXXX international school, the school I'm in right now is called The New School, ESL language project, located at NY, 5 paragraph format of comparing and contrast essay)

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
SINGAPORE CLIMATE ACTION PLANByInstitution[School][Course title]
Contents Page TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478550273 \h 2Singapore’s Climate Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc478550274 \h 31.Adopting Green Energy PAGEREF _Toc478550275 \h 42.Improving Energy Efficiency at Home, Transport and in Industries PAGEREF _Toc478550276 \h 53.Enhancing Efficiency through Research Initiatives PAGEREF _Toc478550277 \h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc478550278 \h 7Works Cited PAGEREF _Toc478550279 \h 8
Climate change has been a phenomenon that has greatly attracted the world’s attention due to the adverse effects it causes on ecological systems worldwide. More than 700 species of birds, animals and plants face extinction from the changing weather and climatic patterns. The United Nations and other organizations concerned with the state of the planet, have often organized conferences and climatic convections to come up with ways, in which countries could help stem emission of greenhouse gases that encourage climate change. Although many have ratified the decisions, they are far from implementing them.
Climate change occurs when the emission of greenhouse gases causes gradual increase in the world’s temperature by trapping the sun’s heat (MEWR, 2016). This causes the melting of the polar ice and disruption of the planetary weather systems in some parts of the world. This has seen increased droughts in Africa, heavy tornadoes and hurricanes in America, heavy typhoons in southern Asia and disruptive downpours and ocean activities in Australia (NCCS.gov, 2016). The melting of polar ice poses great danger to port cities like Hong Kong, Venice, Manilla and Sydney among others. Singapore, being one of the coastal cities, is in great danger of flooding, tropical cyclones, storms, ambient temperatures and rise in sea level. The changing weather patterns in Singapore can also cause prolonged drought, intense rain, and hastened coastal erosion that may disrupt biodiversity and food supply.
Singapore established the Climatic Action Plan aiming at reducing carbon emission by 36% when it comes to 2030. Such ambitious mission requires proper strategy being in place in order to ac...
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