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Assignment 10 Clarence Thomas And / Or Anita Hill

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 10 Clarence Thomas

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DUE: 5PM SUNDAY April 28 2019
Please complete the following assignment and upload it to Blackboard (under the Assignments tab) by 5pm on Sunday April 28. You should make sure to save a copy for your own records. If you have questions about the assignment, please email the instructor by 5pm on Friday night so there is sufficient time for the email to be seen and for the instructor to respond. You may type/write your answers in the spaces below, or you may create your own new document (e.g. Google Doc, PDF document, Pages etc. are all fine).
There are a number of documentaries and movies about judges and the judicial branch of government. This week you are to watch one of them and answer the relevant questions to the option that you chose to watch.
OPTION B: Confirmation Movie (/movies/confirmation)
Available: on HBO Go (free if you have a HBO account (if you live on campus you have a free HBO Go account through the university. Just select Stony Brook as the provider and enter your netid)), and also available to rent on Amazon, iTunes etc.
This movie is a dramatization of the famous Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. Thomas was accused of sexual misconduct by law professor Anita Hill. Despite these accusations he was confirmed and remains once of the staunchest conservative justices on the Supreme Court. The hearings were watched by millions of Americans at the time.
1 Before watching the movie, had you heard of Clarence Thomas and/or Anita Hill? If so, what was your prior knowledge/impression of them?I had heard about Clarence Thomas, as one of the most conservative US supreme Court judges, but there was uneasiness among some members of the African American community who were concerned that he would not been keen on protecting Civil Rights protections despite being black. Anita Hill accused the judge of sexual harassment before he joined the court, in one the most watched supreme court confirmations.
2 Provide a 2-4 sentence summary of what happened during the movie (i.e. what events occurred and what was the outcome).
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard evidence with Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas of having behaved inappropriately towards her and talked about pornographic movies. A psychologist testifying stated that Hill’s testimony was at best delusional and fantasies. A subpoena to Angela Wright a fellow accuser was withdrawn, and the hearing largely ...
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