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Homework: Chinese International Students’ Coping Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Homework Due:

Cao, Zhu, & Meng (2018). Chinese International Students’ Coping Strategies, Social Support Resources in Response to Academic Stressors: Does Heritage Culture or Host Context Matter? Current Psychology.

1. Write a one page essay on your view about the article. Explain your points if you agree or disagree with the commentary analysis made by the author.

2. Times New Roman, font 12, Double Spaced

3. Must have APA cover page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project One Assignment (Article Review)
Your Name
American University
Dr. Salako
Due Date of Assignment
This article examines and explains the academic stressors that the Chinese international students face every day and the possible coping strategies that the students may apply. I agree that some of the main stressors that are likely to affect these Chinese international students may include academic resources, intercultural communication and pressure academic competencies (Cao, Zhu & Meng, 2018). Regarding the academic resources as a stressor, I agree that students in a foreign country might find it difficult to search academic materials such as the e-journals. Additionally, considering intercultural communication as a problem for the students, I agree it might be difficult for them to understand foreign languages. Besides, it is also hard for them to establish intercultural friendships with other members.
It is true that international students may encounter academic competency challenges which may be as a result of issues related to academic writing, this concerns factors related to writing format and referencing their academic works and plagiarism (Cao, Zhu & Meng, 2018). Also,...
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