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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Children Should Learn Through One Public Language

Essay Instructions:

Rodriguez's essay is an expository (meaning it explains) essay using personal narrative. However, it also makes an argument. In a one to three sentences, state Rodriguez's argument.

In two to three paragraphs:

state and explain your view of bilingual education prior to reading Rodriguez;

state and explain how Rodriguez’s argument relates or influences your view of bilingual education.

Please format this assignment according to MLA Manuscript Formatting guidelines. Make sure to bring your reading with your annotations and a PRINTED copy of your assignment to class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor: Subject: Due date: Rodriguez’s essay Rodriguez argues that children should learn through one public language, which is English instead of utilizing private languages such as Spanish. Also, he argues that Spanish families should adopt the English language to assimilate into America and maintain their intimate relationships with their children. My view about bilingual education is that it is the method of teaching students by using two languages. Educators use a student’s native language and a second language to help them understand the different lessons students need to study. In my opinion, this type of education is essential in helping students, particularly those who English is not their native language learn and understand another language other than their native language. Also, it makes it easier for non-native English speaking students to adapt and feel comfortable in school. Also, the use of bilingual language brings about cultural diversity and communication between different cultures, thereby pro...
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