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My Challenges in Verbal and Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication

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follow the instruction which i will provide later, and use the articles form the uploaded files- only three articles and one essay requirement. use the simple sentences and words, make it easy to understand.

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My Challenges in Verbal and Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication
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My Challenges in Verbal and Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication
As a foreigner, one experiences different challenges many of which are directly related to the host nation’s culture. These challenges can be depressing or cause one’s stay in another country unbearable. People have different experiences depending on where they are, how fast they understand the host nation’s culture, and the people around them or their social network. Well, for me, the experience was not new or any different. The challenges were similar but what I came to realize was that they can also be non-verbal. I had never thought that non-verbal intercultural communication can be a problem as much as verbal intercultural communication. However, this was confirmed when I found myself in awkward positions and conversations after I used certain non-verbal cues on some people and they took it the wrong way. I learned that I had to be cautious and know who and where to use certain non-verbal cues. The challenges I have encountered so far center on language, non-verbal signs and signals, and issues of individualism and shared or community interests and this article will seek to elucidate further.
For most people, the first challenge in verbal and non-verbal intercultural communication would be language and for me, it is not any different. In her article, Barna (1994, para. 12) notes that aspects like idioms, vocabulary, dialects, and slang all seem to cause people difficulties while communicating. She continues to note that the worst-case scenario is when a person learns one meaning of a word and makes use of it without considering context (Barna, 1994, para. 12). Well, this explains my plight with the English language. In English, there are many words which mean the same thing but at times, one word cannot fit a certain context. Well, no one thought to tell me this when I was learning the queen’s dialect and often, I would find myself in debates and use a word which would get a different reaction to the one I expected. After learning the word mandate, I would use it everywhere even I conversations that did not need it. People would look at me and smirk or chuckle and then silence would ensue, a long silence for that matter. This went on for weeks and it did not happen with that term alone. It happened with different words until a friend of mine told me to learn other meanings of words. He explained that a single word can have several meanings and that each fits a certain type of conversation and context. His advice echoed the words of Padhi (2015, para. 7) who said that the use of certain words followed by specific body movements could signal a different meaning. So, I had to be careful and learn to use some words appropriately and with the right kind of body movement. Having this understanding helped me a lot and I have been able to correct myself before I finish my statements something which keeps the conversation going.
The second thing or challenge involves the non-verbal signs and signals. Well, when one moves to another country, it is always far from their mind how signs and signals can make life difficult. A simple gesture in one’s country could mean something different in another and it is only when one knows or understands this that they will be comfortable living in another country. Barna (1994, para. 13) notes that people from different cultures make use of different verbal and non-verbal cues. Her implication is that how one perceives something in one culture is not the same way another person from another culture will perceive it. In their article, DuPraw and Axner (1997, para. 11) note that non-verbal communication includes or involves more than gestures and facial expressions. They note that non-verbal cues could include simple things like personal distance and seating arrangements (DuPraw and Axner, 1997, para. 11). Well, out of the non-verbal cues listed here, personal distance is the one I have encountered. People in the US, for example, are quite physical meaning that people are not afraid to touch each other. It is not a big deal when a girl, for example, touches the arm of a boy. People will not even turn their heads to look at them. Kissing and other forms of public displays of affection are also considered normal. Well, these would cause a lot of stares at home and at first, I was surprised and kept staring at ...
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