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Using Tuckman Group Development Model in Experience of Learning and Personal Growth

Essay Instructions:
Writer Robert only The Challenge Course is an experience of learning and personal growth. Participants overcome obstacles of increasing mental, physical, and emotional difficulty through group interaction and personal challenge in a non-threatening, cooperative environment. For this paper you will both discuss your experience at the ropes course, and how this relates to your personal motivations for leisure. So the Questions for the paper is Q: How did Tuckman's Model apply in your experience on the ropes course? and here is the link for the tuckman's Model that u will use to apply it to experience in the paper and as an only source as well http://www(dot)infed(dot)org/thinkers/tuckman.htm SO IN THIS CLASS WE HAD TO GO TO THE CHALLENGE CENTER FROM 9AM UNTIL 3PM IN S A SUNDAY, WE ALL KNEW THAT STUDENTS GO CLIMB AT THE CHALLENGE CENTER SO THE WHOLE CLASS ASSUMED THAT WE WERE GONNA CLIMB ALL DAY AND WE EXPECTED IT'S GONNA BE BORING AND TIRING.. SO once we got there the team of 4 people started talking to us the looked really really nice where we all felt comfortable, so we all gathered and started to listen to the rules which they basically were 1. take care of your self 2. take care of each other 3. take care of the place so after that we played the saimon says game where one 1 the team will say something and we have to do the same thing if that thing was followed by saimon says (kids game) and the 2nd game was sticks puzzle just to refresh our minds, after that we formed three groups of 10 and my group we played the toxic waste game where we had to move a ball from point A to point B with ropes and without dropping and the main point of this game was to apply strategies in the group work to make it happen the second game was "saving the city game" where we connect pipes and let the ball go through them with non stop and we learned how to work in group and be patient, then we started climbing summary: we had fun, we didn't expect it would be that fun, we worked in groups learned how to introduce our selves to new people, we learned how hard things can be solved if we think and be patient,
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Tuckman Group Development Model in Experience of Learning and Personal Growth
Course Title:
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Course Instructor:
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262039" INTRODUCTION  PAGEREF _Toc317262039 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262040" AN OVERVIEW OF THE THEORY  PAGEREF _Toc317262040 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262041" A PRACTICAL SCENARIO  PAGEREF _Toc317262041 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262042" IMPLEMENTATION  PAGEREF _Toc317262042 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262043" DISCUSSION  PAGEREF _Toc317262043 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262044" CONCLUSION  PAGEREF _Toc317262044 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc317262045" REFERENCES  PAGEREF _Toc317262045 \h 8

It is very common for the participants of a group development project to face both psychological and physical difficulties in interacting with other members of the group, leading to unsuccessful contribution in the project at personal-best level even when there is a cooperative and non-threatening environment. Several theories and methodologies regarding group development process discussed different factors and phases to accomplish the task, and among them, so far the most appreciated and organized theory was given by Bruce W. Tuckman in 1965.
When people are working together for the same purpose, at one point or another, they have to build interdependency with each other to avoid any conflict and get the possible best result. The model by Tuckman established a sequential working process, describing five phrases or stages to reach satisfaction among the group members. Many of the later conjectures on the subject were influenced by Tuckman’s theory.
The theory of Tuchman consist four initial stages – forming, storming, norming and performing (Tuckman, 1965) with an advance stage named adjourning which he added later (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977). The first four stages are related with the group behavior in different situations and settings as they join together and start working to accomplish a task. The participants may be able to recognize one or more of these stages and if the participants appreciate the process of overall development of the whole group, it is more likely that the functionality and effectiveness of the group will be increased a lot.
As a part of class project, we had to visit the Challenge Center to climb. This was a group task and it was very important to develop interdependency among the members of each group to complete the task properly which was reflected by the three rules of the place - take care of yourself, take care of each other and take care of the place.
So to build up a group understanding, the participants were divided into three groups with ten members in each group and they played several strategic games including Simon Says, stick puzzle, toxic waste game and finally saving the city game. These games are designed for group participation and require strategic solution through discussion by the group members.
At the end of the day, we found out that the experience was better than expectation. We learnt how to work in group and finding ways and contributing in solving a difficult problem.
The first stage of Tuckman’s model on group development recommends the formation of a team where individuals gather impressions and appreciate each other and create a comfort zone. The ways of finding opportunities in order to meet challenges by sharing knowledge and personal views are learnt as this stage as the team members get to know each other and make new friends. In our quest, we went through the same thing, learning about other group members by exchanging personal information and eventually make some new friends.
Once the group is formed, the participants move to the storming stage in which they share their ideas in the way of solving problems. Each of the members works independently to come up with different perspective and finally share them to come up with the best idea. We learnt about this process while p...
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