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Centering Intersectional Differences

Essay Instructions:

Midterm Major Draft: The 825 word midterm major draft will help you analyze how one argumentative strategy above is at work in a text of your choice from the first half of the quarter.

Drawing evidence primarily from one text of your choice from the first five weeks of the quarter (see table below), write a 1200-1500 word paper that analyzes how the text uses a key DOC concept as a strategy to argue for justice. (Remember that you must choose one of the argumentative strategies listed on page one of this assignment sheet to write about).

Your thesis statement should (1) assert your definition of the strategy (i.e., do not repeat verbatim or simply paraphrase the strategy as it is written in the list above) in the particular text your paper focuses on, and (2) explain how that strategy functions to argue what justice would be in the specific context the author is focusing on. The body of your paper will then show how that strategy is at work in the text you chose, and why that strategy is significant. This means you should unpack how the text is written or how the text attempts to persuade the audience about what justice is and/or how justice would be achieved in the specific situation being addressed. Your analysis should connect the “writerly choices” in the text (i.e., evidence, structure, language, etc) to the vision of justice that the writer is arguing for.


You should imagine the primary reader of your midterm papers as your peers in DOC 2, thus you can assume that your primary readers will have knowledge of counterhegemonic U.S. history, and will know specifics about the assigned readings. Your goal, then, is to focus on analyzing specific examples to educate your readers

about your definition and the significance of your chosen argumentative strategy related to your chosen text. Please feel free to consult the “DOC Concepts Guide” on Canvas.

Use only DOC 2 course materials (lecture/discussion notes and assigned texts) to write your paper. Do not cite outside sources that were not assigned in class.

Please use APA format to properly cite evidence in your paper. Proper APA format includes a title page, running header, abstract, and keywords. You may refer to the Writing Resources Module on Canvas for help with APA guidelines. On the title page, include a creative title for your paper, followed by your name, your TA’s name and your section number. At the top of each page following the cover page, insert a page header and page numbers. Include a References page at the end listing all sources cited in the body of your paper.

Be sure to review the grading rubric for this project. TAs will be evaluating your paper according to that rubric. Provide readers with well-chosen details, examples, and analysis to develop your thesis. Be sure to proofread for mechanical errors.

Hi the strategy I choose is centering intersectional differences, and the specific text I choose is Susan Stryker’s article “transgender feminism: Queering the women question”. Please only use the material from this text as the example and evidence in the paper

If you want you can start from body paragraph directly

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Centering Intersectional Differences
Student's Name
Teaching Assistant's Name
Section Number Institutional Affiliation
Centering Intersectional Differences
Centering intersectional differences can bring justice to transgender people. Notably, intersectionality entails gender oppression that individuals experience due to social categorizations, such as race, marital status, gender, social and economic statuses, and sexual orientation. Stryker portrays challenges that transgender people encounter in society due to their sexual identity. Society recognizes gender as either being a male or female. Some of the problems transsexual individuals face include employment discrimination, undocumented workers, state surveillance, racism, population profiling, and denial of proper healthcare and social services. The diversity of embodiment in social categories should not be a reference point for all injustices faced by transgender individuals. Whether male, female, or transsexual, justice should prevail.
We learned several DOC concepts in the past quarter and some strategies that help the author to argue about justice. I chose the text written by Susan Stryker to argue for justice. Using the strategy "centering intersectional differences," Stryker mentions transgender feminism as a framework for justice. In her article "Transgender Feminism: Queering the Woman Question," she talks about the situation of transgender groups and the social problems faced by these people and their inner psychological changes. From some example Stryker faced in real life, she pushes us to think more about feminism, gender, and identity differently." More kinds of intersections (Strom, 2021). This reminds me of the strategy "centering intersectional differences." As I recall what I learned last quarter in the "doc concepts explained," the definition of intersectionality is "the shifting interaction among categories and ideologies related to gender, class, and race in a specific culture in a specific historical period." And in my opinion, "intersectionality" is a branch theory concept of feminism. Indeed, it shows the gender oppression experienced by an individual, which often has the oppression intersected with other intersections from different dimensions, such as gender, sexual orientation, economic and social statuses, race, and marital status (Zhu, 2020). Stryker depicts that "central intersectional differences" make individuals realize that the diversity of embodiment in social categories should not be either a man or woman since it violates the justice of transgender people.
Society holds various stereotypes on specific individuals due to the differences in gender, race, marital status, social and economic status, and sexual orientation. In other words, a person is obliged to identify as either a man or woman. If one is transgender, the individual faces all forms of discrimination, and in most cases, the person struggles to try to fit in society. Stryker shows that it is not simple to live through her own real-life experiences without identifying as either a male or female. At some point, she says that "my transsexual body is different from most other bodies, and while this difference does not impair me, it has been medicalized, and I am sometimes disabled by the social oppression that aims the specific form of my difference" (Stryker, 2007). Stryker makes it clear at this juncture and it has never been simple for her to embrace being a transsexual person. The person fears doing numerous things that other people do due to the harshness and injustice from society. One must keep wondering whether her actions will lead to incarceration despite not engaging in criminal activities. For example, Stryker says that she has spent her life being classified as an individual with Gender Identity Disorder, and she has worked as an undocumented worker. The identification documents make it hard for her to cross a border or drive fast because she does not want to be arrested and taken to a place that does not accommodate her needs (Stryker, 2007). Consequently, Stryker's personal experience as a transsexual person portrays the injustices emanating from the intersectional differences of gender, race, economic and social statuses, sexual orientation, and marital status.
Intersectionality leads to gender oppression that m...
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