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Careers Research Assignment: Pilot and Social Worker

Essay Instructions:

Read about two different careers (already given) and write a 4 paragraph opinion essay explaining which of the 2 careers is best for you based on the following format:
1st paragraph: introduction
2nd paragraph: salary
3rd paragraph: job's future
4th paragraph: conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Careers: Pilot and Social Worker
Career is defined as an action and progress that can be taken by an individual throughout his or her lifetime; mostly those that are related to an individual’s occupations. A career is made up of the jobs that are held and titles earned and job accomplished over a given period of time. This paper will be discussing two main careers and those are Pilots and Social workers. Pilots are those individuals that fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters and any other kind of aircrafts. It is important to note that there are two kinds of pilots: Airline pilots those airlines that transport people and cargo within a fixed schedule. There are also commercial pilots that fly aircraft for other reasons like rescue operations, charter flights, photography, aerial and freighting (Higgins et al., 2013). On the other hand, Social workers are those individuals that assist people deal with problems in their day to day lives. There are different duties that are performed by the social workers like: identification of people and communities that are in need of help and also assist their clients to adjust to the challenges and changes in their lives like divorce, unemployment and illnesses (Saleebey, 2012).
This paper examines between being a pilot and a social worker which one is best for me based on job’s salary and future.
Career Choice based on Salary
Considering the high cost of living that has continuously increasing at an alarming rate, it would only be prudent for one to look for a job with a good salary that would enable one to take care of his or her bills as and when they fall due. Comparing between being a pilot and becoming a social worker in terms of salary; it would only be fare for an individual to become or choose being a pilot. As compared to being a social worker, pilots are earning much more as compared to a social worker. For instance, median annual wage for a copilots, airline pilots, and flight engineers was reported to be $117, 290 according the report that was released in May 2015. According to the guidelines that has been set by the Airline Pilot Association; internationally, most airline pilots at entry level begin with a salary of $20,000 per annum. However, it is important to note that these wages are not static because these wages would be increasing annually until such appoint where the pilot has gained the much needed experience and seniority that is required for one to attain a state of becoming a captain. Additionally, it would be important to note that the average captain within a regional airline is entitled to a minimum salary of about ...
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