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Career Development Plan Part II

Essay Instructions:
Create a training program for the employees selected for your team.  Review the completed Week One assignment, Management Behavior, and the Week Two assignment, Career Development Plan Part IJob Analysis and Selection.  Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750- word report explaining the following information: o The new training and mentoring needs o Objectives of the training and mentoring program o Performance standards o Delivery methods o Content for training and mentoring o Time frame o Evaluation methods o Feedback o Alternate avenues for those who need further development
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Career Development Plan Part II
Career Development Plan Part II
[Writer’s Name]
[University’s Name]
[Lecturer’s Name]
[Subject/Course code]
Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785754" Introduction:  PAGEREF _Toc275785754 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785755" The New Training & Mentoring Needs:  PAGEREF _Toc275785755 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785756" Objectives of Training & Mentoring Programs:  PAGEREF _Toc275785756 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785757" Performance Standards:  PAGEREF _Toc275785757 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785758" Delivery Methods:  PAGEREF _Toc275785758 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785759" Content for Training & Mentoring:  PAGEREF _Toc275785759 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785760" Evaluation:  PAGEREF _Toc275785760 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785761" Conclusion:  PAGEREF _Toc275785761 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc275785762" References:  PAGEREF _Toc275785762 \h 9

Employees are regarded as the key assets of an organization as they are the ones that are involved in formulating plans to be implemented in the organization. In other words, important processes like planning of projects, organizing resources, coordinating with other employees to work efficiently and commanding the overall processes and projects are all carried forward by the employees working in different layers of the organization. This clearly shows how important employees are for an organization and for its overall success (Philip, 2008). In order to utilize the human resource of an organization, it is pretty important for an organization’s Human resource department to conduct training for its workforce so that the current employees are able to enhance and polish their skills in such a way that they become involved in efficient production for the organization to achieve its objectives. If trainings are conducted for employees frequently then it not only benefits the organization in a way that the employees become efficient and more productive but it also motivates the employees and makes them feel positive about the company investing on them to polish their skills. Hence, training programs should become essential part of employee development and must be conducted frequently to raise the efficiency and productivity of the employees. Even the employees of an organization must be briefed frequently about the effectiveness of such training programs so that they take ample interest in them and come up to the expectations of the organization in the best way possible.
The New Training & Mentoring Needs:
As mentioned earlier that training plays an essential role in an organization in terms of employee development and efficiency at work but there is always a reason why training and mentoring has become a need in the organization of today. The first and the foremost reason why training has become essential need for employees in the organizations is because of the new and advanced technology that has been developed and being applied by many organizations and in order to make the best use of that technology, organizations find it important to make such changes acceptable by the employees at work by providing them with necessary training and mentoring. With such trainings, employees do not even resist when new technology is implemented furthermore they take much more interest in training so that they can be more productive and efficient by handling new and advanced technology. Training is also necessary for employees so that they can have a firm grip and command over the new technological changes that have taken place in the organization.
The other reason why training and mentoring has become need in the organizations in current scenario is due to competition that has increased tremendously in the past couple of years among different organizations due to which training of the employees has become inevitable. In order to give tough times to the competitors, organizations have started spending heavily to train their employees and make them more efficient to perform better in the market.
In order to utilize the talent in the best way possible and to understand the customers in a better way, trainings are now being provided by various organizations to make sure that the talented human resource is not wasted but utilized in such a way that it helps the organization in one way or the other.
Objectives of Training & Mentoring Programs:
Organizations through their Human Resource Department have started spending heavily on training and mentoring their employees and yet such organizations seek that their certain objectives to be achieved since employee...
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