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Captain Whip Whitaker of the Movie 'Flight' Battle on Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the movies from this list or any movie of your choice that features addiction issues. Write a three page paper that provides an overview of the issues of the main character describing the causes and effects of addiction from the textbook. Discuss how the individuals deal with the addiction and what are the final outcomes. Use the concepts that you have learned thus far. Cite the text book in five (5) places in APA style (Goode, 2019, pg. ). Cover page and reference page. Make sure that you cite the textbook correctly, do not cut and past or plagiarize, since the turn-it-in site will flag all work that is from any public source.

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Movie Term Paper
Movie Term Paper
The main character in the movie Flight, Captain Whip Whitaker, battles an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Captain Whitaker thinks he flies better while under the influence. His addiction to alcohol and other drugs like cocaine has made him too dependent on the substances, and he crashes the plane, killing several people and hurting himself and others in the process. A lack of self-control causes deviant behavior, such as addiction to drugs and alcohol (Goode, 2019, pg.768). Captain Whitaker had abstained from drinking alcohol for some days until he got to a restaurant and was tempted to have a drink; this forced him to go back into alcoholism. He later tries abstaining for nine days but gets exposed to his triggers of alcoholism when he finds a refrigerator full of alcohol in a room next to his in a hotel. This particular occasion calls him to succumb to alcoholism once more. Such instances involve a lack of self-control.
One of the causes of alcoholism is the euphoria-generating property characteristic of drinking alcohol (Goode, 2019, pg. 495). Captain Whitaker takes alcohol since the feeling of highness gives him confidence in his work. Contrary to other effects of alcohol, Captain Whitaker can take control of a chaotic situation and lands the plane safely. This is seen as a heroic act and makes the audience think of him differently.
Captain Whitaker reveals several traits as an addict, including being a pathological liar. He is a man caught in the web of addiction and the consequences of a misguided life. His addiction puts his life and the life of others in danger, and his passengers suffer the consequences of his bad decisions. Before the flight, Captain Whitaker extensively uses cocaine and alcohol. This contributed to the plane crash and its salvation. Drugs have the effect of causing dependence; some people work best while under the influence. We can say the same for Captain Whitaker, who did some heroic actions of saving people after the crash under the influence.
Goode notes that one does not abuse the drug – they harm themselves and others – with the use of the drug (Goode, 2019, pg.427). Captain Whitaker abuses himself and others when he puts the life of passengers in his flight at risk under the influence of alcohol and cocaine. He als...
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