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Canine and Human Communication

Essay Instructions:

Research Report Assignment Instructions

• Value: 15%

• Length: 7-10 paragraphs (intro + 5-8 body paragraphs + conclusion) + title page + references page

• Format: APA format

• Topic: The general topic given to the class is “Communication.” We brainstormed some narrower, more specific topics as a class. Your job is to choose one of these focused topics or to come up with one of your own. You must let me know your chosen topic before proceeding.

• Audience: Your instructor and your classmates.

• Style: Formal. No slang or informal language (no I/ me/ my/ you/ your).

• Purpose: Argument/ persuasion. The RR must not simply inform, it must offer an argument (take a position/ try to convince audience) and provide support for that argument.

• Research: Use three to five sources for your paper. You may use only the Mohawk Library databases. They include pre-vetted books, articles, websites, videos, etc., appropriate for academic research. If you wish to use a source not available through the Mohawk library site, you must check with me first.

• Body paragraphs: Use the SEEC paragraph model for your body paragraphs (single or double). Include at least 2 quotations and/ or paraphrases in each body paragraph. Remember: do not quote more than one sentence per quotation.

• Introduction and conclusion: Use any of the styles we covered in the PowerPoint lessons or in the Essay Essentials textbook. Make sure your intro and conclusion match (use the same style).

This outline that has to be followed!

-Specific Topic

• Canine and Human Communication

Thesis Statement

• Communication between canines and humans, canines communicate with humans by making sounds like barking, whining, and gestors like licking, and eye contact.

Working Topic Sentences

• Aggressive barking, this is the most intimidating way that canines try to assert their dominance over humans.

• Non-Aggressive Barking, this form of barking is a very calm and loud way for canines to communicate with humans.

• Sad Whining, this is a sad way for canines to show they are hurt or scared to humans by letting out a loud yelp or whine.

• Whining, Canines know how to get what they want from humans by communicating by whining.

• Licking, this is the most loving way of communication for canines to show care and happiness towards humans.

• Aggressive Eye Contact, this is a no verbal way for canines to communicate with humans, they have aggressive eye contact to show they have dominance and aggression toward humans.

• Begging eye contact, begging eye contact is the most command and understandable way canines communicate to humans.

-Must use these references!


• ASPCA, A. (2018). Behavior Problems in Older Dogs. Retrieved November 22, 2018, from https://www(dot)aspca(dot)org/pet-care/dog-care/common-dog-behavior-issues/behavior-problems-older-dogs

• ASPCA, A. (Ed.). (2018). Barking. Retrieved from https://www(dot)aspca(dot)org/pet-care/dog-care/common-dog-behavior-issues/barking

• Kaminski, J., Schulz, L., & Tomasello, M. (2011, November 24). How dogs know when communication is intended for them. Retrieved November 23, 2018, from https://onlinelibrary(dot)wiley(dot)com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-7687.2011.01120.x

• ASPCA. A. (2016, January 05). Why Do Dogs Lick People? Retrieved November 22, 2018, from https://www(dot)akc(dot)org/expert-advice/health/why-do-dogs-lick/

• Shabelansky. A. (2016). Behavior Based on Owners’ Report from a Self-Selected Study. Retrieved November 23, 2018, from https://eds-a-ebscohost-com(dot)ezproxy(dot)mohawkcollege(dot)ca/eds/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=b19f3e3e-778c-40b5-a53b-f8debef5671d%40sdc-v-sessmgr01&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGlkPW1vaGF3ayZzaXRlPWVkcy1saXZlJnNjb3BlPXNpdGU%3d#AN=113989229&db=aph

Must ague the point of how humans and canines communicate.

-the course name is COMM-11040-36

-it is due Friday November 30th

-professor is larin, robin


(thank you)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Canine and Human Communication
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Canine and Human Communication
There is a famous adage recognizable in many societies around the world that a dog is a man’s best friend. The phrase is concerning the strong relationship between human beings and the canine creatures which often sees the latter offer protection in exchange for a friendly and hospitable environment to live. Unlike other canine species that roam free in the wild and are considered dangerous, dogs have been domesticated and are regarded as pets that can be left to play with children and live among humans in their households. One of the most components that have been attributed to having contributed to the perfect relationship between human beings and canines is communication. However, while human beings primarily use verbal communication, dogs mainly communicate non-verbally through the use of body language and secondarily through vocalizations. As a result, some critiques argue that canines are incapable of communicating with humans. The essay, therefore, seeks to examine the communication between canines and humans with emphasis on the different modes of canine communication that include making sounds like barking, whining, and gestures such as licking and eye contact.
Understanding Canine Communication
Canines are naturally wild and very aggressive creatures, and dogs are no exception. As a result, the process of domesticating dogs into friendly and obedient animals that can live comfortably in the midst of human beings is usually gruesome and requires utmost patience. The domestication process entails both humans and the dogs trying to assert dominance over the other. Whereas humans will continuously shout orders, dogs try to remain dominant and overpower the situation through aggressive barking. According to the American Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (ASPCA) “aggressive communication is used by the dog to protect itself and its possessions from perceived threats such as a person, another dog, or inanimate object” (ASPCA, 2018). Wild dogs, therefore, turn to aggressive barking as a means to communicate that they will defend themselves from all attempts to domesticate them.
Additionally, aggressive barking is often understood as a warning signal after which the dog’s behavior may gravely escalate. For example, dogs usually bark at thieves to warn them against continuing to break into the house and also to deter individuals from forcefully taking their bones or favorite toys. Also, older dogs tend to be more anxious and observe increased irritability. These attributes result in the older dogs being aggressive and will often vocalize more at the slightest provocation (ASPCA, 2018).
Nonetheless, non-aggressive barking is also a common feature among dogs. It is usually a very calm but loud way for canines to communicate with humans. Non-aggressive barking is majorly a combination of high pitched sounds that are repeated often and at a first rate indicating a degree of excitement and urgency (Shabelansky & Dowling-Guyer, 2016). According to ASPCA “one or two sharp short barks of high or midrange, the pitch is the most typical greeting sound, and it usually replaces the alarm barks when the visitor is recognized as friendly” (ASPCA, 2018). From the human perspective, these types of non-aggressive barks are symbolic of the “hello there” greeting. Additionally, non-aggressive barks also comprise of stutters with sounds similar to “Harr-ruff” and are mostly understood as the dog’s invitation to play. Dogs are highly playful creatures and will therefore time and again try to get the attention of their keepers through the non-aggressive barks to be taken outside for a walk or to play “catch” with their favorite toy.
Additionally, dogs utilize non-verbal modes of communication to pass the information along to their keepers including sad whining. The method is primarily a sad way for canines to show they are hurt or scared through letting out of a loud yelp or whine. Unlike humans who cannot only secrete hot, salty tears but also wail and sob when sad, dogs usually resort to whining when irritated or uncomfortable. For instance, a dog experiencing tummy discomfort or is seeking the affection of their keeper will make sad whines to get attention and have their needs met. From Kaminski and other dog enthusiasts (2011), “just as barky dogs can drive their owners crazy should do they so constan...
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