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Business Cycle & Economic Outlook

Essay Instructions:
It has been about 3 months since the session started. Let us examine how your $1000 virtual investment did. In a 2-3 page paper, address the following questions: Check the stock price today. What is the value of your stock? You can calculate this by going back to module 1 or 4 and checking how many shares you have and multiply by the current stock price. Did it go up, down or remain the same? Let's see what kind of investor you have become. Use this interactive tool and see how you do. Click on the "transpose" tab. Discuss your thoughts on how you did. What major factors seem to affect the growth of stocks. How do you think the stock you selected will do in another five years (2014)? What factors in the economy would affect your specific stock (i.e. new technology, trends, etc.)? This SLP was designed to give you some insight as to possible returns from investing the stock market. Keep in mind that the risk-reward dynamic is a little more volatile in the stock market than it is in other alternatives. Compare stock market investments to other alternatives. What are some of the opportunity costs of investing your virtual $1000 in the DOW 30? (Be specific about what other ways your $1000 could be invested). SLP Assignment Expectations: Use concepts from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resources you can find from the cyberlibrary or other internet search engines. Please be sure to cite all sources within the text and a reference list at the end of the paper. Length: 2-3 pages double spaced and typed The following items will be assessed in particular: Your ability to explain how personal investments are affected by the economy.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Cycle & Economic Outlook
[Course Title]
[Instructor Name]
Personal investments are affected by the economic conditions to a great extent. The whole investment cycle depends upon the economic factors. This virtual investment may be affected by factors like technological advancements, launch of new technological equipment in the market and the force of demand exerted by the users. This paper focuses on the statistics of the virtual investment, alternate investments that could have been made and the opportunity cost of the investment.
Business Cycle & Outlook
The paper focuses on the current value of virtual stock investment made three months back, and the extent in its increase and decrease. There are so many economic factors that cause rise and fall in the value of stock of companies, and such factors can be introduction of a new technology in the market or new trends in society.
The stock price of the company (Apple Inc.), I had invested in is $318 in accordance with the current trade (Yahoo Finance). The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing new computer equipment which is quite popular all over the world, and it has become a market standard. Three months back the price of the stock was $290, and it has ultimately increased by a significant degree. This increase has not been direct, but there have been so many variations in the price of stock in the past months. The lowest point to which the price of the stock fell was $185.5 which was observed in near the end of the month of August and the start of the month of September (StockBriefings.com). The shares owned by me are 3.5 as they were bought three months back when the stock price was $290 per share, and today the total value of my investment is $1,097. It has been a prominent increase in the stock price.
From the difference in stock price discussed above, it is clear that the price has increased and the decision of investment has been successful. The factors that might have influenced the price of this specific stock might be the latest trends in technology and launch of new products by the company. As this company is quite popular all over the world, a...
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