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The Biography of Ching KO Literature Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

The requirment book for finish this essay is "Anthology of Chinese Literature" By Cyril Birch
Please read the instruction of I've uploaded carefully and finish this close reading. Remember it is a literature class rather than history class,please dont write some informations irrelevant with story. The detaisl please see the attachment of I've uploaded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Biography of Ching K'o
The Biography of Ching K'o
The Biography of Ching K'o is an intriguing piece and one that speaks to the brilliance of the author Sima Qian. Most of the stories that are available about the heritage of any given culture have one this in common, the characters in the story are always heroes (Spence, 2017). This is relative to the fact that, they shape the loyalty of the people that are reading the story towards the heritage of the culture in question. It is often important to paint the characters in the story in good light, especially if they are to be praised and remain alive to shine a light on the amazing heritage of the culture in question. In the story Sima brings on a twist and uses it to bring out the history of the dynasty and the significance of their contribution. Looking closely at the biography, one immediately notices that there is something different about the biography. This is relative to the fact that the five characters are said to have an attempt on the life of the king; Ch’in (The Biography of Ching K'o, n.d.). For the readers who are keen this is an interesting turn of events and one that defines the rest of the story and the impact it has on the readers (Spence, 2017). It is not common that bibliographies will want to make heroes out of persons that wanted to kill their king. In any case, it is the triumph of the king that is praised and then the information is handed down the generations. As such the element of using the five characters that had an attempt on the life of the king, bring on a much sincere approach at developing the biography.
The element of having the history books bring out the fact that there were some five assassins in the biography of the king is a rather honest approach. It is actually the inclusion of the five characters that makes the piece quite intriguing. It is always important for every writer to come up with a piece of information or even use a unique technique to bring the audience to place of amazement (Spence, 2017). It is this approaches that keep the readers hooked to the story to the end. Good writers will throw in some element of technique that is quite interesting to the readers in more than one piece of their writing. With time this is known as their signature move that also happens to be the selling point of their pieces. In the case of Sima, the characters bring out an element of sincerity that is not common in m...
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