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Bike Sharing Systems Functioning Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Major Paper I: Writing to Inform

Purpose and Description

The process of “joining a conversation” involves much more than simply voicing one’s opinion about a topic. (Most of us can do that with little effort.) Rather, to enter into and contribute to a genuine dialogue, we first need to discover what has already been said about the topic in question. We can do this in many ways: by reading, by observing, by asking questions, by listening. These are often routine activities, but when we deploy them toward a specific research goal, they position us not only to gather and share information, but also, potentially, to say something new. Toward these ends, your aim in this assignment will be to research a topic and compose an informative essay that reports on it. Note: Remember this course is loosely based on exploring topics and themes and issues related to popular culture. Some of your topic options are provided on a list of relevant topics that connect to these broad course themes. If you are interested in exploring an issue that is CONNECTED to these themes, but not necessarily on the list, please email me to check before pursuing it.

You may select to explore a topic (from the list) that interests you, but at the very least, remember that this paper should

1) be relevant to a general audience; and

2) be compelling enough to invite debate among members of your audience.

You will not be “taking a side” per se; instead, you will compose an informative and well-balanced essay that helps readers deliberate about the topic in a conscientious and responsible way. And you will offer some perspective and deeper insight into the nuances and complexities of the issue.

Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.

Invention & Inquiry

Identify a topic or an issue that interests you from the broader categories and the list of specific topic;

Write down several reasons why the issue should be of interest to others;

Conduct a preliminary search of your issue using web-based resources;

Gather approximately 4-5 sources related to your issue;

Summarize each source and make notes about the various situations in which they are embedded (e.g., authors, audiences, genres, contexts, etc.).

The Composing Process

Compose an introduction that frames and defines the scope of your essay;

Offer readers some contextual background on the subject of your research;

Use sources gathered in your research (3-4) to compose informative body paragraphs;

Help your audience understand the stakes involved in the issue and the limitations of the information you have used to report on it;

Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done to better understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.

Specific Requirements

Your essay should:

Focus on a relevant topic;

Inform your audience about the topic;

Summarize and paraphrase sources with finesse;

Cite sources correctly using an appropriate citation style;

Be written in a clear, precise, and energetic prose style;

Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;

Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface); MUST REACH BOTTOM OF THE 4TH

Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details). NOTE: CANVAS DOES NOT ACCEPT FILE FROM PAGES

Informative essays, regardless of length, offer only a fraction of all possible views on a topic. Keeping this in mind, your objective is not to persuade readers toward a particular point of view; it is to inform them about your topic in a way that enables them to judge for themselves how to join the conversation that you are beginning to map out through your ongoing inquiry. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bike Sharing Systems Functioning
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Bike Sharing Systems Functioning
The advent of motor vehicles since the early 2000s had put an end to the use of bikes in China. However, at the beginning of 2017, there was an introduction of the bike sharing concept. Bike sharing has grown rapidly and currently covers half of the towns in China. China introduced the smart Bike sharing systems to provide either affordable or free bikes for people in urban areas. The system enabled monitoring of bikes from one area to another. There are commonalities between countries sharing the smart bike system application. In order to ensure efficiency a set framework such as non- profit organization needs to be put in place. The administrative agencies should look into the factors affecting the bike sharing systems to foster efficiency.
The smart city plans put in place concepts that enhance the use of energy efficient form of transport in urban areas. According to Rani and Vyas (2017), smart bike sharing systems have numerous benefits such as efficient management of resources, pollution reduction and better health for its users. The dense population in most urban areas necessitates the use of a smart bike sharing system. The system helps in tracking the number of bikes available in each station, the number of routes which the bicycles ply, and the schedule for night and day for the bike sharing system. In order to facilitate the monitoring of the bikes, each bike is fitted with a sensor (Rani and Vyas, 2017). The sensors help in gathering real-time data and relaying the information to the next bike station. The smart bike sharing system helps in dealing with the problem of the last mile. The commuters do not have to worry about how to get to their destinations after drop up at the station. The bikes facilitate someone picking a bike at one station, using it as a mode of transport and dropping it at a different station.
There has been a rapid growth in the popularity and the usage of the public means of transport worldwide. The ease of getting the bikes and the affordability make it a common means of transport. Zhang et al,. (2017) did a study of the bike sharing usage in Zhongshan, China, to determine the efficiency of the system. There has been an increased usage of the bike system in Asia, Europe, and American cities. However, in Zhongshan, China, the bike sharing system is not efficient (Zhang et al,. 2017). The usage metrics in the bike sharing system provides low statics as compared to the metrics of successful countries in the world. There are various issues that foster the inefficiency of the bike system usage. To begin with, during rush hours there is no definite direction of the bikes getting into a city or out of a city. Most of the possible commuters fail to secure a reliable bike for their services. The Urban trips are mostly short distance, causing the confusion in the routing of bikes. Secondly, there is low demand and efficiency of the bike sharing system in city outskirts (Zhang et al, 2017). The concentration of the system and routing remains fixed on the major areas in the city. An improvement on the two key issues could lead to an advanced means of bike usage.
Europe Cyclist Federation policy position states that the public use of bike sharing should be fully embraced (Stratta, 2017). The public –use of bike sharing system should be fully supported with the necessary funding and policy frameworks. Stratta (2017) suggests that the proper analysis of the bike system can only...
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