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BHE314 Module5 SLP

Essay Instructions:
A number of research studies indicate that the exposure of the world's population to UV radiation has increased in the last few decades. You are a health educator in the public health department of the community where you live. In this assignment, you will implement an education program that aims at protecting the public from the health effects of ultraviolet radiation. In a 2-3 pages paper: 1. Describe the health effects that may result from exposure to UV radiation. 2. Describe the environmental sources of exposure to UV radiation. Include the role of the ozone layer in your discussion. 3. Describe the measures that you will suggest in your community to reduce the public's exposure to ultraviolet radiation. 4. Describe how you would disseminate this educational information to the public.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ultra Violet Radiation And The Ozone Layer Presented by Name Presented to Lecturer Institution Topic Date Ultra- Violet Radiation is that part of the sun’s light and energy which causes some adverse effects to human beings if they overexpose themselves to it. It is generally not visible through human naked eyes. It is divided into three categories according to the wavelength and energy emanated by each. There is the near ultra violet (NUV), the extreme ultra violet (EUV) and the far region ultra violet (FUV). These regions are divided depending on how long or how shorter the wavelength is. The shorter the wavelength the greater the damage it causes to the living things on earth. The wavelength is measured in nanometers. The UV-A lies between 320 and 400 nanometers, the UV-B lies between 280 and 320 nanometers and the UV-C lies between 200 and 280 nanometers. Of the three, the UV-C is the strongest and the most adverse to the earth. These effects are harmful to the living things on earth, especially if human beings overexpose themselves to the waves. Fortunately enough, UV-C rays are absorbed by the ozone layer and hence have never reached the earth. Ultra Violet is helpful to humans more so if it is emitted in small quantities because it helps in generating vitamins needed by human body. As Bogue (1998), argues the UV-A rays are not absorbed by the ozone layer and hence they reach the earth in very large quantities that has continued to affect the earth, though compared to the UV-B and the UV-C it causes the least damages. The adverse effects of the UV are that, it causes extremely great and prolonged health effects on the human skin. It can also cause sunburns especially to people with Albinism. Overexposure to the UV causes the body cells, body tissues and blood vessels to deteriorate in the long term. The very most serious effect of overexposure to the UV is that it can cause cancer of the skin (Vainio, 2000). Catara...
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