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Beyonce and Disney Tickets and the Merit Principle System

Essay Instructions:

The essay is about a VA official that took gifts. I have pasted my outline. It also has to be double spaced. All of my work goes to turnitin as well.

VA Official canned over Beyonce and Disney tickets

I. Introduction

A. Attention – A director of the Department of Veterans Affairs fired for what is being called the “biggest scandal in the agency's history”.

B. Motivation – Leaders should know the difference between what's right and what's wrong. The Merit Systems Principles have outlined what leaders can and cannot do.

C. Overview – This essay will go over what are acceptable gifts and also the Merit Principle System and why it was put into place.

A. Background – VA director accepts gifts from a VP of a consulting group which were highly inappropriate.

1. Sub-point – How these actions went against the Merit Principle System.

The director not only broke the Merit system rules she broke ethical rules by taking lavish gifts from the highest giver and giving out contracts that the director was obviously biased towards.

B. Impact – Veterans not getting the attention they need or deserve.

1. Sub-point – The director's failure to embrace the merit system.

2. Sub-point – How her actions affected the “biggest reorganization in agency history” and veterans' healthcare.

III. Conclusion

A. Summary –A few gifts led up to having no job and the hiring and firing of a plethora of senior leader leadership. At the end of the day if you can't share it with everyone at your job or command that might mean it's not the right type of gift.

B. Re-motivation – Right is right and wrong is wrong there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Don't accept bribery gifts or gifts that will give you a biased outlook on a situation.

C. Closing – In closing there shouldn't be any gifts that should break a leaders moral compass.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics: Official canned over Beyonce and Disney tickets and the Merit Principle System
A Director of the Department of Veterans was fired in the biggest scandal in the agency’s history. Employees and consultants working with the VA Department should be aware what is acceptable and what is not while maintain integrity, and ethical conduct in all their dealings with the Department. Executive government leaders are forbidden from accepting gives such gifts, more so when the relationship between the consultant and the official is personal (Maskell, 2014). This essay will highlight what constitutes acceptable gifts and rely on the Merit Principle System to inform the decision –making process.
There was an ethical violation by the VP of the Consulting Group who gave gifts and perks to the VA official. The fact that the official failed to disclose that he/ she received and accepted the gifts potentially creates conflict (Maskell, 2014). It is likely that the gifts were then a form of bribe, and this violates the provisions of the Merit Principle System. The VA official was also likely to award contracts or seeks the services of the Consulting Group having received gifts in the form of Beyonce and Disney tickets. Additionally, this does not protect the interest of Veterans in any way. The Merit Principle System allows lawful disclosure of information if they reasonably believe that th...
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