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Best way to intubate

Essay Instructions:
Using the references you identified in the module 1, write your paper in 2,500-3,000 words. Include Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References sections and headings. Refer to one of the journal references you are using and copy its writing style/format rather than APA (You can also typically go to the journal's home page and find links to their exact rules). Identify which journal format you are using on the title page. References that should be used: Bushra et al. (2004). A Comparison of Trauma Intubations Managed by Anesthesiologists and Emergency Physicians, Acad Emerg Med, 11(1): 66-69. Slots, P & Reinstrup, P. (2001). One way to ventilate patients during fibreoptic intubation Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 45: 507–509. Hammarskjold F, Lindskog G, Blomqvist P: An alternative method to intubate with laryngeal mask and see-through-bougie. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 43 (6):634-636. Sise, M. J et al. (2009). Early Intubation in the Management of Trauma Patients: Indications and Outcomes in 1,000 Consecutive Patients. The Journal of Trauma_ Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 66:32–40. Matsumoto, T & Carvalho, W. B. (2007). Tracheal intubation. Jornal de Pediatria, 83(2): 83-90. Souza, N. D & Cavarlho, W. B. (2010). Complications of tracheal intubation in pediatrics, Rev Assoc Med Bras, 56(1): 646-650. Braude, D et al. (2010). Using Rapid Sequence Airway to Facilitate Preoxygenation and Gastric Decompression Prior to Emergent Intubation, J Anesthe Clinic Res, 1:113. doi:10.4172/2155-6148.1000113 Ali, L et al. (2011). Tracheal Intubation; Direct laryngoscopic intubation vs fiberoptic bronchoscopic nasal intubation hemodynamic response, Professional Medical Journal, 18(3) :407-410. Weingart, S. D. (2011). Preoxygenation, reoxygenation, and delayed sequence intubation in the emergency department J Emerg Med. 40(6):661-667. , doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2010.02.014 Ray, T. L & Tobias, J. D. (2003).An alternative technique for nasotracheal intubation. Southern Medical Journal, 96(10):1039-1041.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
BEST WAY TO INTUBATE Name: Course: Professor name: (January 13, 2012) Best Way to Intubate Abstract. Intubation is the process by which a tube is inserted into a patient`s mouth and them the tube is moved all the way to the airway, the tube inserted is called an endotracheal tube. The reason for doing the tube insertion is for the patient to be put in a ventilator to help him breath. Rare cases of tube insertion occurs when the mouth or the throat has to be performed on some operation and the tube is threaded through the nose rather than the mouth and down into the air way this process instead is called nasal intubation. Some cases when intubation is necessary is when anesthesia the general one is being given to patient this is due to the penalization on the body that makes it impossible to breathe without assistance (Bushra, et al. 2004). Best Way to Intubate Introduction From the definition of intubation the passage of air through the mouth to the air way includes the tracheal and so intubation is usually referred to as tracheal intubation. In tracheal intubation a flexible pipe made of plastic tube is placed into the trachea in order to enhance air passage in the air way. The airway that is created by the plastic pipe in the trachea serves as a way through which drugs are administered to patients by the doctor in case of a critical condition of the patient. In this process the patient`s lungs are enhanced with ventilation and also there is a high percentage prevention of the possibility to create an obstruction in the airway. In this intubation the most widely used way is the orotracheal with passage of the tube through the mouth and down into the trachea (Slots & Reinstrup, 2001). The reason why the intubation is very critical is because the control of the air way is one of the most critical priorities in treatment of a critically injured person. The risks involved in the blockage of the air way are protected by the endotracheal tube by giving a way for oxygen, reducing risk that may arise in case of a patient`s airway obstruction and maintaining the lungs ventilation for the patient. One of the major causes of death after injury is the failure to secure an air pathway during the shortest time possible. The importance of early intubation has been recognized and the eastern association for surgery of trauma (EAST) has even come up with publication on indications for early intubation in trauma patients. The indication by the association includes the hypoventilation, the airway obstruction, severe cognitive impairment, and severe hypoxemia. Hemorrhagic shock and cardiac arrest; The EAST indications have not been clinically validated and many of the intubations done at early stage are as a result of the trauma surgeon`s discretion. Some of the discretions for the intubation are influenced by the patient`s condition such as the altered memory status, facial damage, respiratory distress, preoperative management and intoxication. Types of intubation Endoctracheal intubation where a tube is passed through the mouth or the nose and down through the trachea to give an air way (Matsumoto & Carvalho, 2007). The common times this method of intubation is carried out includes during anesthesia or in the maintenance of a damaged airway. The method of intubation adopted is dependent on the patient`s condition and the reason why the intubation is being carried out. The other type of intubation is the nasogastric intubation in this type of intubation the endotracheal tube is inserted through the nose all the way down into the stomach. The aim is to release excess air that is within the stomach or in other cases to offer nutrients and medications. The third type of intubation is the nasotracheal intubation also known as the blind, in this kind of intubation the endotracheal tube is inserted through the nose down to the trachea. The endotracheal tube is passed without the usage of the laryngoscope to view the glottis opening; the process can be carried out without the hyperextension and may be very useful when a patient is diagnosed with cervical spinal trauma and patients with clenched teeth (Matsumoto & Carvalho, 2007). The indications for the necessary use of the nasotracheal method of intubation include intraoral operative course of action in which the endotracheal tube could be easily displaced or block the operative site. In this method of intubation bleeding is usually not unusual after the intubation and mostly the tubes used are smaller than those used in oraltracheal intubation. The method can also be carried out by direct observation using the laryngoscopic examination. The only time the blind intubation is used is in a case where there is indication of the larynx being out of visual (Souza & Cavarlho, 2010). The other type of intubation is the fiber optic intubation or the awake intubation in this case a fibreoptic scope is used and the scope has an eyepiece that enables the visualization of the larynx and there is a handle to control the tip. The handle is usually two and a half to three feet long. The fiber optic scope is inserted through the patients through and is driven all the way to the larynx and the glottic opening. The endotracheal tube is then slid over the fiber scope into the trachea, this method is usually adopted in a case where a patient is unable to flex their muscles or move their head due to any given reason. During the intubation a patients throat is numbed with a local anesthetics, this sedates the patient and makes them more comfortable in some cases the patient is made to sleep in case of a general anesthesia an assistance must be there since one person cant monitor the patient and at the same time administer the general anesthesia while performing the fibreoptic endoscopic examination. The other type of intubation is the tracheostomy intubation in this case a tube is placed by incising the skin over the trachea thus making a surgical wound that leads to creation of an airway. In order to derive the best result in this type of intubation it is performed above a previous position where the endotracheal tube was placed in the operating room. This method is however performed as alive saving procedure (Bushra, et al. 2004). The other type is the speaking tracheostomy tubes in this case of intubation there are specifically designed tubes called the tracheostomy tubes that enhance the ventilator dependent client to be able to speak by making it able for air to enter the larynx without any compromising of the patients ventilation. The trachestomy tubes keep the air that is needed for the lungs separate from the air supply for the speech (Souza & Cavarlho, 2010). There are currently two types of designs to allow the speech control that is by the use of the electro mechanical solenoid that controls the flow from any compressed air source and the other is the air compressor that can be turned on and off to allow the supply of regulated air into the trachestomy tube. The other type of intubation is the rapid sequence intubation, this method of intubation is carried out on patients who have a gag reflex and thus it would be very difficult to intubate t...
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