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Answer Question From Bartleby The Shrivner And Heart Of Darkness

Essay Instructions:

Bartleby the shrivner

1) In what ways does the narrator's characterization of him as a "fixture" or "the last column of a ruined temple" help the reader to see him as a structural object-a piece of furniture or of architecture-rather than as a human being?

2) In what way does this transformation into objects cause the narrator to see himself as a "a "pillar of salt"?


1) What is the significance of the report Kurtz has written for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs?

2) Why does Marlow tear off the postscriptum, which reads "Exterminate all the brutes!" (p. 84), before giving the report to the man from the Company?

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Bartleby, the Scrivener
Bartleby, the Scrivener is a famous short story by Herman Melville, who is an American novelist or story writer. In 1853, this story was published in two parts in issues of Putnam’s Magazine. According to the story of Bartleby, the Scrivener, a famous Wall Street lawyer employs a new clerk who refuses to prepare any copy with the sentence “I would prefer not to.” The way the narrator describes himself makes us think that he is a fixture or a piece of furniture, as he exists at a place for long with no real movement or specific reaction besides saying “I would prefer not to” in response to everything he is asked to do.
The narrator s...
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