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Why We Should Ban Public Cigarette Smoking Research

Essay Instructions:


I need an argumentative APA format essay on why we should ban public smoking. I need a title page, abstract page, main body ( this is the one that needs to be 4 pages) and my reference page. All double spaced.

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Ban Cigarette Smoking in Public Places
Smoking is a habit that is common among peers and tends to affect not just the person smoking, but also those standing close by. There are fatal health impacts that are cause inhalation of the smoke whether to the smoker or the second-hand smoke the smokers give off. From cancer to respiratory diseases to reproductive health, smoking lays detrimental impacts to the smokers and the bystanders. These are costs to the society and they can be brought down by reducing public smoking of cigarettes.
Ban Cigarette Smoking in Public Places
For most of the people smoking is a habit that they picked up as part of the peer pressure activities. It is a habit which for some time was considered to be a good practice and raised the social status of the smoker. However, relative to the recent studies and statistics associated with the health detriment the habit is now lowly practiced in some parts of the world. However, it is also common in some parts, and statistics have not acted as a deterrent to the smokers (Rutherford, 2009). Other than the fact that smoking tends to affect the health of the smoker there is also the issue of the second-hand smoke, the cost of the second smoke, environmental concerns, the right to a healthy work environment, littering and the associated odor (Rutherford, 2009).
One of the most important that has to be considered when it comes to banning smoking in the public places is the fact that it is a health hazard. Studies have shown that smoking is one of the most harmful habits as it leads to some fatal health complications. In the united states alone, there is an estimated 480000 deaths that are attributed to smoking cigarettes. This is estimated to be one in five deaths being as a result of smoking cigarettes (Clune, 2013). More importantly, smoking cigarettes according to the CDC, causes more deaths than Human immunodeficiency virus, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, fire arms related incidences and illegal drugs use combined (CDC, 2017). The CDC also indicates that there are more than 10 times number of persons that have died from cigarettes smoking complications in the united states than the number of people that have died from all the wars fought in the united states. The heightened death rates are associated with the high risks that come with smoking cigarettes or inhaling second hand smoke. Smoking has been found to increase the health risks of coronary heart disease by two times, stroke by two times and lung cancer by 25 times. This is a habit that has been found to cause cancer almost anywhere in the body, with the most common places being the blood, cervix, bladder, esophagus, colon, kidney, liver, ureter, larynx, pancreases, stomach, oropharynx, lungs, trachea and the bronchus. Other related complications include still births, low birthweight, orofacial clefts on infants, sudden infant death syndrome, reduced sperm health, poor gum health, diabetes mellitus, decreased immune health and even rheumatoid arthritis (CDC, 2017). All these are effects that are not just limited to the smokers but also persons that are standing by the smokers. As such, the health impact of one person smoking in the presence of other persons such as on the beach, the streets or even in the hose among other places such as the park, is multiplied by the number of people that are present (CDC, 2017).
Where there is the element of health complications that come with smoking or inhaling the second-hand smoke, there is also the cost of the same (Rutherford, 2009). Health treatment are tied to the costs in health care treatments that the various c...
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