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Autobiography of Rosa McCauley Parks

Essay Instructions:

Requirement resources : Rosa Parks, My Story

Just a short essay, summerize or any argument/discussion of the book.

2 pages short essay and need a work cited if you use other resources.

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Rosa Parks: My Story
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Rosa Parks: My Story is an autobiography by Rosa McCauley Parks, which sheds light on how Rosa McCauley Parks was raised in the south in the 1990s. In those days, segregation and racism were at their peak. The segregation law kept African Americans from residing in particular areas of the country. They were also not allowed to send their children to the top schools and were prohibited from doing well-paying jobs. This led Rosa and her family to face serious problems; with determination and hard work, as well as with the consistent support and help of her husband, Rosa became an activist. She soon initiated campaigns regarding how to bring revolutionary changes in the lives of African Americans.
In the first part of this autobiography, Rosa McCauley Parks has shared memories of her childhood in Alabama. She also discusses how the blacks were given tough times in the south. Rosa McCauley Parks, along with her family, had to prepare for the confrontation with threats like the Ku Klux Klan. Her grandfather had to sacrifice a lot in order to protect the family. He used to sit in front of the door the whole night with a gun in his lap.
Most of the African Americans took the abuse with patience and did not respond to it; however, some of them decided to fight back. Rosa McCauley Parks and her family were among those very few African Americans who were not ready to tolerate injustice. She grew up seeing her grandfather and parents fighting for their rights. When she was young, she observed that the white chil...
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