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Autobiographical Paper Writing: English With An Accent

Essay Instructions:

While each small group will present their results about the interviews collectively, you will write your paper individually and focus on your own English linguistic journey. The paper must be 4-5 pages in length (not including the cover page and references list). Your paper must include at least one scholarly and two or more trustworthy and reliable sources (again, not WIKIPEDIA or ASK.COM), with at least one source from a reading you find through your own research. The other sources can be from the textbook or other readings/viewings I have provided.
The final paper will be evaluated based on content in which the interview results are discussed in relation to your own linguistic journey, including considering what we have studied in our class related to dialect, accent, Standard English, etc.
Your final paper will be evaluated based on content in which the interview results are discussed in relation to your own linguistic journey (50%); organization and academic style (20%); use of references and citations in APA style (15%); grammar, mechanics, and overall flow (15%).

APA style does not mean that you have to use the headings we had in the second paper!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

English with an accent
English with an accent
The battle of accent and pronunciation of English as a language in United States of America has been on debates over the years. As a result, language discrimination as a factor has been realized in different social structures within the USA. Some communities have been profiled to be more superior to the others based on their pronunciation, language master and the tonal variation with which they speak English (Clandfield, Pickering, & Jeffries, 2015). The mastery of the English language and the accent with which one speaks can be dictated by several factors. These factors may include but not limited to the environment in which the person is raised up. Most of the Native Americans learn to speak English from their parents, whereas people from other countries who consider it as second language only learn it from schools. In search to know more about this disparity in English and accent, I conducted my research in different communities within the United States of America as illustrated elaborately in the methodology. The paper gives the findings and the recommendations I drew from the study.
The main data sampling technique adopted during the study involved the use of interview. The study design focused on the random samples of persons from the residents within United States of America. During the interview, the study objectively focused on the age variance of the participants. The framework targeted to reach out to many people to help the study develop as strong finding. Through this framework, the study tried to bring a standing argument on the reasons for disparity in language from different communities. Objectively, I wanted to find out as to whether English language is superior to the native languages within different communities as reported by (Helman, 2016). While conducting the interview, various factors such as age and the respondents’ level of education were of essence. Other factors such the use of Standard American English concerning its proficiency and widespread were also raised in the study. According to Helman, (2016), the standard American English is one of the most common language used by many communities in the USA due to its beautiful accent and pronunciations. The findings from the study however, did not contradict (Helman, 2016) as many respondents attested to the fact that English and other languages were inferior though commonly used.
A majority of the respondents agreed to the fact that they have accents. Arguably, they stated that they knew that they have accents bearing the fact that the English they speak differed from others. From the result, I noted that most people would want to change their way of speaking to fit into their surroundings. Most of the people who stated this fact were mainly people from other countries residing in the US. As much as most of the foreigners wanted to cope with the accent of their residential country, one old Chinese man from the interview detested the change. However, the Chinese dissented from the majority opinions stating that he will not change his English accent (Clandfield, Pickering, & Jeffries, 2015). The study also revealed a group of individuals who were not sure as whether they had an accent or not. They claimed that their accent varies from time to ti...
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