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Autobiographical Essay on Your Aesthetic Development

Essay Instructions:

In 2-3 typed pages, write about your aesthetic development in an informative and entertaining way. That is, write about your tastes in the arts and what you consider art to be—this might be visual, musical, literary, drama, dance, etc.; how you view the world; your preferences in human made and human performed things; and how you came to your aesthetic sensibility. You may include some of your most memorable experiences in these various dimensions. For example, what visual, literary, musical, etc. images do you remember from early childhood? Has there been a significant change in your likes and dislikes? How do you now decorate your living spaces? Why? What knowledge of "art" (especially visual art) do you have? What knowledge of art would you like to have?


Autobiographical Essay on Aesthetic Development Grading Rubric Writing Art Criticism 2367.02      Content           /25    Essay descriptively details the student’s aesthetic development, critically reflecting on his/her preferences in various art forms. [See prompts in assignment description.]      Structure           /25    Essay is cohesive and well-organized with an appropriate introduction and conclusion.      Grammar and Mechanics         /25    Essay is free of grammatical errors. Student demonstrates proficient self-editing skills, as well as an effective command of syntax and semantics.      Use of Narrative Voice         /10    Student writes with engaging personality in first-person voice.       Timeliness            /10    Essay is submitted on Carmen before the beginning of class.        Format            /5    Typed, 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman.            Total            /100     

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Aesthetic Development
The education system and schools have for decades no promoted art and physical activities that something different from the normal subjects given in the curriculum, however along the way some private schools monetized education and ensured their students were being trained for the outside world where money is the key motivator. But the turnaround of events where athletes and artist are some of the best professionals in the world schools have again given extracurricular activities time and space in the systems. During my earlier school days, my schools as so keen on making sure we understand the world around us and this played a key role in my early childhood development. The ever-graceful Mrs. Khan did not only teach the core subject but also appreciated arts. I would recommend incorporation of an aesthetic factor that is the set of values, which relates to appreciating beauty and nature into early childhood development as this played a big role to my liking and appreciating of art. This will not only help young ones see the importance of music and visual arts, but it will also increase morale and develop their interpersonal skills, speaking from experience as I really did not like school that much but because of extracurricular activities I could look forward to the next day at school. We could hardly go a day in school without playing blocks, legos and I particularly loved painting which my mother saved my earlier paintings up to date.
Aesthetic development in my world has changed with age, while at that tender age visual drama would be my form of artistic expression where I would take a character to be it from school or television and try to impersonate the same but tell...
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