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Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story. Literature & Language Essay

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Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story
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Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story
Referring to Akutagawa’s “In a Grove” (Kurosawa’s “Rashomon”) or Paul Auster’s “Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story” (Wang’s Smoke), elaborate on or contest the following premise: The Slippery Nature of Truth. Truth remains elusive, relativistic, partial, and always incomplete; it cannot be learned in totality. Even when we believe we have encountered the truth, changes in perception or events that follow often distort the believability of that truth and make us question if truth exists.
People lie for different reasons, and this happens even when they do not need to. Some of the reasons people lie include when the lie appears to matter to them as much as or more than the truth. On this point, the lie matters more to the liar than to everyone else, and so they decide to lie. The other reason why people lie is that when they tell the truth, they feel like they are giving up control. When people are in control of a situation, they never want to give up their influence. So, to avoid instances where they lose their power, people lie. The third reason why people lie is because they do not want to disappoint those around them or the people that matter to them. People have expectations on their friends and those around them, and this can lead to some lying about themselves and their lives. Well, when people feel esteemed in their lie, they start to live that lie, and with the thought of losing respect from those around them, they continue to lie. However, the truth can be said to be something that is elusive and one that can never be learned in totality. In Auggie Wren’s Christmas Story, the truth remains elusive, partial, and always incomplete and this thus forms the main focus of this article.
First of all, from the short story, the truth appears to be subjective in that it is us...
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