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Assisted Reproduction

Essay Instructions:
Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that addresses the following ethical issues surrounding assisted reproduction: What ethical dilemmas surround surrogacy and the donation of egg and/or sperm? Because surrogates are paid, is this a practice that exploits the poor, such as surrogate mothers in India? Why or why not? Due to the high cost of fertility treatments, doctors often place multiple eggs back into the womb. Is selective abortion moral? If parents decide to give birth to all of them, does society have an obligation to help families with multiples who are born premature with defects or who are mentally retarded? If so, how? Assess the ethical issues surrounding the medical challenges of supporting the life of extremely premature infants. Should extremely premature infants be saved at all costs? Who should make the decision for treatment when a baby is born extremely premature? Provide a minimum of three appropriate and scholarly sources for your paper. Remember that Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly source.
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Assisted Reproduction
Assisted reproductive technology is the application of medical methods such as artificial insemination, drug therapy or the usage of vitro fertilization and surrogacy, in order to enhance fertility. This is done while still preserving the genetic connection. The Assisted Reproductive Technologies may as well involve the use of eggs, sperm or wombs. This comes from the third parties that are not involved in raising the child. For the couples who need to boost their fertility, they use these alternative pregnancy options and other types of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
Surrogacy refers to an agreement where a woman becomes pregnant for the sole motive of giving birth for an infertile couple (Shaw, 1995). Find herein the ethical dilemmas surrounding surrogacy and egg/perm and a discussion about whether the surrogacy exploits poor mothers. There is an explanation of whether selective abortion is moral and a query of society’s obligation towards families with multiples of premature births with defects and mentally retarded. Inclusive also, is a statement about the rescue of extremely premature infants and the person responsible for decision making when a child is born extremely premature.
Research has it that about ten to fifteen couples who are married are incapable of having children. The surrogate mothers since time in memorial have never solved this problem of inability to reproduce. This ancient problem existed even in the biblical times, citing Sarah as a perfect example. Sarah was Abraham’s wife, and was incapable of bearing her own children. It was Sarah’s advice to her husband Abraham to lay with her maidservant Hagar, to produce a child for them. This plan did not work as the spouse started being jealous and the surrogate who was Hagar, got proud and thus could not give up her child’s identity. As a result, Abraham sent both the surrogate and the child away. This example clearly shows that the surrogacy method is not a very fruitful method (Shaw, 1995). Additionally, there are numerous dilemmas concerning surrogacy method of assisted reproduction. The groups of people who are likely to seek the surrogacy method are; the couples that are incapable of having children, the single parents who wants children, the homosexual couples among others.
The surrogate form of third-party reproduction is the least used among the Assisted Reproductive methods. Others would call it the contract motherhood. Numerous States have banned this surrogacy out rightly, while other countries refuse to implement contracts in case there arises any disputes among the involved parties. The identity of the egg and sperm donors who follow the required procedures remains anonymous. The donors are also relieved of parental duties after accomplishing their task. The surrogate method is becoming expensive daily and since most countries prohibit it, the couples with the need of surrogate services opt to go to India for a faster solution. This form of third-party reproduction is not a good option because the surrogate mothers especially in traditional surrogacy have connection with the children. This may cause trauma on the surrogate mother at every memory of the children they gave away. For the recipient couple, there lack maternal or paternal bond between the child and parents.
Surrogacy is exploiting poor women who act as surrogates all over the world. These surrogate mothers engage in this activity due to desperation of lack of finances. A country such as India has become a place of refuge for couples who want to have children through surrogacy. The Indian surrogate mothers experience exploitation due to their poverty status. People sarcastically refer to it as ‘women wombs commercialization’. Regardless of the dangers of numerous births, the surrogate women remain with not much option. They do it for money and since it is an attractive source of income, it motivates them to carry on. People go seeking for surrogate women in India because the practice is illegal in their own country. Yet, the Indians do not see reason to follow suit. The surrogate mothers are prone to various diseases that happen during pregnancy. These diseases could lead to death of both the mother and child or the one party separately. There is no certain health regulation for treating the surrogate mothers. The regulation treatment would be helpful since surro...
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