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Asian Americans Transnational Identity Presented in Kate Hers RHEE 'Inventing Genealogies'

Essay Instructions:

- https://newmediartspace(dot)info/exhibitions/2021_kate-hers-rhee_inventing-genealogies/index.php
- https://newmediartspace(dot)info/artistpicks.php
- EXPLORE the exhibition kate hers RHEE “Inventing Genealogies” . Make sure to read the curatorial text, look at the various materials, texts, photographs and videos posted throughout the exhibition website. Begin by simply exploring the exhibition, read the texts, scroll down to expand each section of the show and watch the videos embedded throughout. Make sure to watch the final video in the show: “The Corean” all the way through. This video was made specifically for the New Media Artspace exhibition.
- WRITE response to your experience of the exhibition. Feel free to make connections to your own life, your artmaking and to the ideas, texts, projects and issues we have touched upon in class this semester.
POST two (or more) questions. One question might be addressed directly to the artist and one might be a more general question about the ideas raised by the exhibition. You can refer to some of the artists and ideas the artist references in the exhibition. Check out the show’s “Artist Picks” for more materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Visiting Artist Kate Hers
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Visiting Artist Kate Hers
The exhibition is presented by New Media Artspace and is titled, kate-hers RHEE: Inventing Genealogies. Through the exhibition, the artists is able to confront issues centering on Asian Americans and their transnational identity while in diaspora. The use of Genealogies is basically intended to provide the aspect of ancestral roots. However, in this context, the term genealogy is used to imply invention. Many aspects are presented throughout the exhibition, highlighting issues related to patriarchial and constructs related to birth, lineage, and bloodlines.
The invention of genealogies is intended to establish an independent root for the artist. Based on my experience, I perceive a revolutionary...
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