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Anti-Vaccine Argumentive Research Essay

Essay Instructions:

Argumentative Research Essay (20%)

COMM 1007 (College English)



  • Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to strategically select and analyze evidence from reliable sources in order to logically defend and coherently develop their perspective on a debatable issue

Due Date & Submission Instruction:   

  • Week 13
  • Upload a Word or PDF document of your Argumentative Research Essay to Blackboard

Percentage of Final Grade:

  • 20%

Course Learning Outcome(s) Assessed:

  • Analyze post-secondary sources to distinguish purpose, organization, and logic of an argument across a variety of platforms.
  • Create informative and persuasive texts in which the main points are supported by appropriate evidence.

·         Demonstrate research skills by locating, evaluating, and organize information from a variety of sources.

·         Produce organized, unified, and coherent work using correct grammar, mechanics, diction, and a standard formatting and documentation style.


Whether we are scrolling through social media or reading a newspaper, it seems like everybody has an opinion about something; however, not everything is up for debate. An issue is debatable or contentious when (1) a) and (2) it impacts and matters to members in our community.  


The purpose of the Argumentative Research Essay (1,250 words) is to assert your own informed and valid opinion on a debatable issue (select one of the prompts on p. 3-4). What do you have to say about the issue? Contribute a new or refreshing perspective to the existing conversation amongst experts.


Your goal is to create a well-researched and well-developed essay that successfully persuades an intelligent but skeptical audience that your perspective is valid, logical, and reasonable. Use audience-and-purpose appropriate language, incorporate and analyze at least 5 compelling and reliable research sources (primary and secondary), and appeal to logical reasoning to prove, support, and ultimately defend your position.


To support you in developing an informed opinion about the debatable issue, we will engage in a semester-long research and writing process; the four separate assessments leading up to the Argumentative Research Essay will prepare you to produce the final product. The Argumentative Research Essay is a precursor to your Final Assessment: Online Publication & Reflection (20%) where you will publish your final work online as a public-facing article (see diagram below):


Argumentative Research Essay Prompts:



Important Note: The prompts below are debatable issues/ topics that impact our community. Select one prompt (follow this link to select your prompt).


In Week 5, you will have an opportunity to narrow down your topic to formulate a specific research question; answer this specific research question in your Argumentative Research Essay.


  1. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and amplified the social, economic, gender, and racial inequalities in our community. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around inequities experienced by a specific group amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Explain how this group is impacted and oppressed by social, economic, gender, and/ or racial barriers that prevent them from receiving healthcare, increase their vulnerability to the disease, and exacerbate poverty. In other words, explain how the COVID-19 pandemic further marginalizes this group.


  1. Some criticize social media platforms for promoting unrealistic beauty standards; others praise social media platforms for democratizing representation and celebrating diverse body shapes and facial features. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around social media and beauty standards.  Identify the “face” that social media promotes and investigate how social media influences current beauty standards and the users/ consumers who scroll through social media.


  1. Microaggression refers to subtle, indirect, and/ or unintentional discrimination against members of culturally marginalized groups. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around microaggressions and their impact. Explain how microaggressions operate in specific contexts, such as in the media, the workplace, at school, etc., and analyze the message being sent by these microaggressions and their impact on folks in our community.  


  1. Along with healthcare workers, food processing workers, grocery store cashiers, warehouse workers, truck drivers, and couriers are all essential workers who ensure our health and safety during the pandemic. Essential work, however, is often precarious, dangerous, and low-paid. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around the treatment of essential workers. Identify the importance and the nature of a specific essential work. To what extent is this work currently being treated, represented, and/ or compensated fairly and humanely? Offer specific solutions to encourage fairer treatment, representation, and/ or compensation.  


  1. Over the past few years, the #MeToo Movement has gained momentum, traction, and critical mass around the world. As a result, folks are now taking a closer look at the persistent problem of sexual assault and sexual violence in the hospitality industry. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around #MeToo and the hospitality industry. Evaluate current solutions and policies, and offer how you think the hospitality industry can and should respond to sexual violence.


  1. There is an emerging debate about the value of promoting harm reduction in public spaces, such as drug testing at music festivals and safe injection sites across Toronto. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around harm reduction measures in public spaces. Evaluate current solutions and policies, and offer how you think public health policies should approach drug use.


  1. Because of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Report and Recommendations, there is a greater effort to begin events with an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement (ILA); however, many critics argue that ILAs are not achieving their purpose and failing to contribute to the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Create an argumentative research essay (1,250 words) in which you defend your position on the debate around performing ILAs in public spaces. To what extent are ILAs powerful and for whom? Analyze the impact ILAs have in public spaces, especially for Indigenous folks, and to what extent ILAs contribute to reconciliation.

Argumentative Research Essay Success Criteria:

The following features are the success criteria for this assignment. Please follow this link to the rubric, which also details how you will be marked:


q  Produce approximately 1,250 words  

q  Communicate in grammatically correct sentences and a formal tone (i.e. no slang or colloquialism)

q  Include the use of “I” (use sparingly and appropriately)   

q  Include compelling and reliable research sources as evidence (at least 5 primary and/ or secondary sources)

q  Analyze evidence through fair, logical, and insightful reasoning   

q  Incorporate research sources as paraphrases; only quote when necessary and do not include long/ block quotations (40 words or more)

q  Follow APA referencing and formatting (Reference page, title page, Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, headers).


Argumentative Research Essay Structure


q  Begin with a compelling and relevant hook

q  Provide sufficient context (background information about the issue, a summary of the existing debate, and definitions of key concepts) to interest and inform your audience of the significant and controversial issue you are tackling.

q  Assert your claim or position on the issue (thesis statement), which should be specific, arguable, and provable

q  Provide your reader with a roadmap (TWO logically sound reasons and/ or actionable solutions) of how you will defend and prove your thesis, which you will elaborate in your body paragraphs

Argument 1:

q  Argue and defend your first logically sound reason for your position and/ or actionable solution for your urgent problem

q  Incorporate reliable secondary and primary source evidence (facts, statistics, studies, case studies, opinions of authorities, legal documents, documentaries, interviews, podcast episodes, etc.) to provide persuasive supporting points, details, and evidence to defend and prove your thesis

q  After each evidence, provide a step-by-step analysis of your evidence that logically explains why and how the evidence you selected supports your views

q  Throughout your essay, consistently return to and link your body paragraphs to your thesis using logical and appropriate transitional phrases and linking words


Argument 2:

q  Argue and defend your second logically sound reason for your position and/ or actionable solution for your urgent problem

q  Incorporate reliable secondary and primary source evidence (facts, statistics, studies, case studies, opinions of authorities, legal documents, documentaries, interviews, podcast episodes, etc.) to provide persuasive supporting points, details, and evidence to defend and prove your thesis

q  After each evidence, provide a step-by-step analysis of your evidence that logically explains why and how the evidence you selected supports your views

q  Throughout your essay, consistently return to and link your body paragraphs to your thesis using logical and appropriate transitional phrases and linking words



q  Restate your thesis statement and summarize the Argument paragraphs

q  Conclude with a call to action or other final thoughts for your reader



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Anti-Vaccine Argumentative Essay
Anti-Vaccine Argumentative Essay
Anti-vaccine movements date back to the 18th century when a section of religious leaders perceived vaccine as a sinful practice of opposing God's punishment on unrighteous people. However, the movement has grown over time, and it is without a doubt that some of the issues raised by the anti-vaccine campaign are crucial and need redress. On the other hand, most of the information spread around by such groups lacks substantial basis and is merely propaganda. Such fallacies need to be addressed before they become uncontrollable among the public. Research has shown that opposition to vaccination has had significant repercussions on human health as it influences vaccination resistance. In return, vaccine resistance led to the re-emergence of several disease outbreaks like measles, which were a thing of the past in countries like America. This paper highlights some of the reasons why anti-vaccine movements have strengthened, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences and how policymakers can handle it in the future.
Reasons Why Anti-Vaccine Movement Have Greatly Grown.
One of the reasons why the anti-vaccine movement has grown over time is based on the perception it receives from policymakers. It is argued that instead of being perceived as pressure groups that want to assist policymakers in bettering vaccine policies, anti-vaccine associations have, on the contrary, been confused by policymakers as social movements (Blume, 2006). With such misperception, it is therefore for various governments and other policymakers to review some vital issues being raised by anti-vaccine movements. For instance, when anti-vaxxers were opposed to MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine with claims that it causes autism, manufacturers of the vaccine and policymakers did not come out vigorously to address the issue.
However, it was later discovered that there are possible chances that the MMR vaccine had the potential of causing autism, although in rare cases (Boulanger, 2017). The same has been the case with the COVID 19 AstraZeneca vaccine, which Anti-vaxxers have associated with blood clots forming in blood vessels, something that the manufacturers have so far acknowledged even though they claim that the blood clots occur in rare cases (Mahase, 2021). Blood clots are a serious thing if they occur in sensitive or vital organs of the body such as the brain or the heart. Opponents of the vaccine will pick up such points and run away with them to spread their 'gospel.' Therefore, such small factors provide proponents of anti-vaccine a massive mileage in influencing the public against vaccination hence making them more vulnerable to preventable diseases.
Another factor influencing the rise of the anti-vaccine movement, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic, is widespread misinformation about the vaccine's efficacy, risk, and safety (Burki, 2020). According to Burki (2020), social media accounts for anti-vaxxers added 7.8 million new followers in a year since the emergence of COVID 19. Most of these accounts are also seen as the influential spreaders of propaganda about COVID 19 vaccines with information that are not supported by substantial evidence (Boulanger, 2017). Policymakers should therefore address such propaganda with evidence-based information about COVID 19 on the same social media platforms as a way of i...
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