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Argument Deconstruction: The Cost of Education in America

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you are asked to included 3 elements of content: 1. Answers to all of the following questions: • What is the main argument is this piece? • Who is the author? What are the author’s credentials and what is his or her investment in the issue? • What audience is he or she writing for? • What motivating occasion prompted the writing—this could be a current event, a crisis, pending legislation, a recently published alternative view, or another ongoing problem. • What is the author’s purpose? The purpose could range from strong advocacy to inquiring truth seeker. • What information about the publication or source (magazine, newspaper, advocacy website) helps explain the writer’s perspective or the structure and style of the argument? • What is the writer’s angle of vision? Angle of vision means, lens, or selective seeing through which the writer is approaching the issue. What is left out in this argument? What does this author not see?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Deconstruction is a literary theory that seeks to find differences, contradictions, and ambiguity in a text. The piece is by Gillian White in the Atlantic Newspaper titles the rich get richer and more educated. The article explores the cost of education in America and how it has affected low-income earners.
What is the main argument in this piece?
The article argues that the gap between the rich and poor has widened when it comes to completing higher education. Students from high-income families are more likely to graduate from university than those from low-income families despite the latter attending cheaper colleges.
Who is the author, what are the credentials, what is the investment in the issue and who is her audience?
Gillian B White is a senior editor at The Atlantic Newspaper. She holds a Business Administration degree in economics and political sciences from the Columbia University and a Masters in Science in journalism from the Northwestern University Medill School (World Bank). She is interested in economics, poverty, and business and writes about the economic well-being of economies and poverty. Her audience is the general public as she writes for a large circulation newspaper.
What is her motivation for writing the article?
Her article was inspired by the ongoing problem of poverty and inequality in accessing services by the poor in society. The gap between the high-income earners and low-income earners is getting bigger, and one of the ways to narrow the gap in access to education is becoming expensive. The article aims to demonstrate the increasing poverty gap between the high and low-income earners and how it affects education. The rich have access to the best education and will continue to increase their wealth. Even as they try to get out of poverty, education is still expensive for the poor, and many still remain in the low-income bracket.
What information did the author use to explain perspective in her argument?
The writer used the most recent research from recent studies conducted by respected institutions. The Pell Institute and the University of Pennsylvania Alliance for Higher education did research over a period of 45 years. The article has informative graphs showing data on the number of students who graduated from colleges from 1975. The graphs give an insight o the number of students who have graduated college and how much their families earn. She has presented research from and backs all her arguments with statistics. She is appealing to reason in her audience and wants them to see the education gap and how that affects poverty in the country.
What is her angle of vision?
The writer wants the audience to see how expensive education has bec...
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