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Are Professional Athletes Overpaid?

Essay Instructions:

Persusavive essay Your proposal should contain:

-Your major area of study( Nursing)
-The topic you are proposing to research
-The position you will argue
-The sources you plan to consult for your research
-Any prior experience you've had with the topic
-What you expect the outcome of your research to be.

Topic:Option E:
In recent years, Madrid soccer player, Cristiano Rinaldo, made 79 million dollars a year. Golf player, Phil Mickelson, made 50.8 million dollars per year. Many have argued that athletes are grossly overpaid while essential workers, i.e., people who save lives or teach the next generation, make anywhere from $22,000 to $400,000 per year.
Others argue the large salaries are warranted because athletes work for a much shorter period of time, they endure a great amount of wear and tear on their bodies, and they generate a lot of revenue for a nation’s economy.

Are professional athletes and entertainers overpaid for what they do? Should salaries for “essential workers” better reflect their value in society?

* * * * *
** Remember to cite at least three (3) internet sources, at least three (3) scholarly database articles, and to employ proper APA style (including a cover page, Abstract, and References page) for this paper.

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Persuasive essay
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Over time, there have been arguments that professional athletes and entertainers are overpaid for what they do with others, arguing that their large salaries are warranted for various reasons. For instance, in recent years, Madrid soccer player, Cristiano Rinaldo, made 79 million dollars a year (Park and Lee, 2021). Golf player, Phil Mickelson, made 50.8 million dollars per year. Many have argued that athletes are grossly overpaid while essential workers, i.e., people who save lives or teach the next generation, make anywhere from $22,000 to $400,000 per year. Similarly, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an Army General with over 20 years of service makes approximately $192,864 a year, while according to the 2014 median compensation, a general surgeon pockets about $395,456 a year (Sminchise, 2016). According to my argument, athletes are overpaid compared to other basic human workers.
Even though athletes are pushed to their limits daily, their performance only directly impacts the performance of the teams they rep...
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