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Media analysis: Apprenticeship and Covid-19

Essay Instructions:

A critical review and analysis of a mass media article (written or broadcast) that talks about apprenticeship or a learning community/organization.

Analysis must demonstrate student’s ability to critically assess information on the issues surrounding apprenticeship programs/learning communities in Canada or globally. In this paper you may reference readings outside of the article such as links to academic research, compare the perspective presented in the article with what we have discussed in the course, or relate the issue to one’s lived experiences.

Some newspapers that I like to read (you don't have to choose them):












Your paper must have:

A citation of the article of mass media under discussion (in APA)

A brief description of the media source you have selected, including why you chose it?

How does this article related to Apprenticeship Learning and Learning Communities and give out some examples from the daily in this paper.

follow the evaluation sheet I upload it

A summary of the article

Remember, that a review is not a summary, so the bulk of your paper have to provide a critical evaluation of the information using the following questions as a guide and must follow it.

Who is the author of the article? What do you know about this individual? What else has the author written?

What is the intended audience of this article?

What major claims or conclusions does the author make? What issues does the work illuminate? What evidence is used to support claims?

What is the tone of this article? What feelings/emotions does it invoke from the reader? What words can you identify to support your argument (connotations of verbs, etc.)?

What voices does the author centre in the article? What voices/opinions are missing? How are direct quotes used to present different groups or individuals? What other perspectives or conclusions are possible?

Your insights regarding how reading this article affects your views on apprenticeship programs.


1000-1500 words not counting works cited. 12-point font (Times New Roman).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Analysis
Apprenticeship and Covid-19
Founded in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian, the Guardian is a daily newspaper of the British, and it officially settled for this name in 1959. The Observer and the Guardian Weekly being sister papers of The Guardian, this media group is owned by Scott Trust, and they are recognized globally as a reliable media group for decades. My choice and preference of this media source is primarily for the reasons known by the general public at large; reputable media source. Additionally, the media house does thorough research on any kind of information that the public will use for general knowledge. In general, they keep the public updated with truthful information before publishing it ("History of the Guardian", n.d.).
The Guardian being a media source, published an article by Jenny Little on apprenticeship and how it could play a key role in the rebuilding of the economy in regard to post-Covid economy. The author articulates how the pandemic brought not only England, but also the whole globe to a financial standstill as of March 2020. During this time, most people were advised to stay and work from home with the aim of minimizing infections and deaths caused by Covid-19. Consequently, many businesses dropped, but some were fortunate enough not to close down completely. These businesses encouraged their apprentices to carry on with their training online, and some opted for colleges like Harlow College that offer online training. Since it was impossible to continue with regular training in respective institutions, these apprentices will have a chance of completing their training from home. Such directive might have been new to most apprentices and challenging at the beginning, but as humans we know how to adapt to change and live with it.
Little adds that England alone has had over 740,000 apprentices between 2018 and 2019, with almost 394,000 fresh start in 2019 (Little, 2021). However, a swift reaction to the pandemic was necessary whereby six out of ten employers put on hold the intake of new apprenticeships soon as coronavirus took over England. Many were shocked and confused with the emergence of the virus, and consequently saw it necessary and lifesaving to put everything on hold until everything would return to normal. Based on this reality, many people had to be withdrawn from the apprenticeship programs because of the redundancy that was evident in the data collected in December. Apprenticeship commencements for 2019 and 2010 reduced by 18%, and between the months of March and July, over 1,000 people had to be withdrawn from the apprenticeship programmmes (Little.2021).
Jenny Little in her article articulates how the pandemic negatively influenced apprenticeship schemes and how many employers are planning to resume the apprenticeship recruitment as soon as the pandemic decreases. According to interviews conducted within the article, employers in small firms found it hard for them to retain apprentice numbers when the pandemic struck. Many small businesses shelved the idea of hiring new staff since the pandemic had negatively affected apprenticeship. The recent incentives of the go...
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