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Applying Utilitarianism, Kantian, and Virtue Ethics in Giving Money to Homeless

Essay Instructions:

You are walking down Market St. in San Francisco when a homeless person asks you for money. You happen to have twenty dollars in your pocket, and you stop to think about what you should do. You can tell that this money would make a difference in this person's day, while you would hardly notice it's absence. In this paper, you will analyze this ethical situation using the moral theories we've discussed in this course: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and virtue ethics. Think of these theories as three different perspectives on how to think through an everyday moral dilemma. In this paper, you won't be arguing for a particular view. You are simply stating the theories, giving their justification, and applying them to this everyday situation.

For many of you, this is your first philosophy class. To give direction to your writing, this paper will be highly structured. I'll give you the outline of a great philosophy paper, and you fill it in with content. Assume that your reader knows nothing about philosophy. Write in a way that would make sense to a friend or roommate.

In the first paragraph, introduce the issue and state your thesis, all in four sentences or less. Space is limited, so you'll have to get to the point quickly!

In the second paragraph, provide a utilitarian analysis of this situation. What is utilitarianism? What does utilitarianism say you should do? Why? Be specific.

In the third paragraph, give a Kantian analysis of this situation. What is the supreme moral principle of Kantianism? What does Kantianism say you should do? Why? Be specific.

In the fourth paragraph, give a virtue ethics analysis. What is virtue ethics? What kind of person does virtue ethics say you should be? Why? How does this relate to what you should do in this situation? (Suggestion: Consider the virtues of generosity or caring).

In the fifth paragraph, provide a brief conclusion.

In making your arguments, it will be useful to refer to lecture notes, online slides, and the assigned readings on iLearn: “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” by Peter Singer, “A Simplified Account of Kant's Ethics” by Onora O'Neill, and “Being Virtuous and Doing the Right Thing” By Julia Annas.

Paper specifications:

Your essay should be 900-1,200 words (about 3-4 pages double-spaced).

The file format must be a pdf or a word doc. Pages files and Google doc files will not be accepted.

Include in-text citations and a works cited page using MLA or APA formatting.

Do not use outside sources.

Late papers will be penalized 1/2 point per day, rounded up.

Once you've submitted your paper, review it to make sure you have uploaded the correct file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing an ethical situation using the moral theories: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and virtue ethics
Supposing one is trying to decide what to do and the dilemma is either trivial or not, one needs to have guiding principles to help make a healthy decision. These guiding principles are called ethics. In the case study, there is an individual who cannot decide whether he should keep his 20 dollars or give it to a homeless individual. The mystery of what human beings can do is determined when a researcher can unravel the puzzle of free will and determinism. This paper is going to look at three ethical theories which include Utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Virtue theory to consider the reasons of why this individual should or should not give the money to the homeless individual he met in the streets.
Utilitarianism is a theory that educates that nature has biologically provided only objective moral values CITATION Mar163 \l 2057 (Margaret, 2016). These moral values include pleasure and pain. The central principle here is that an individual needs to choose what produces the greater good/pleasure for the more significant number. It calls that before an individual makes a decision, one must analyze the consequences or benefits of a decision to know its utility. In fact, utilitarian individuals hold that each action should be judged individually on its final result CITATION Pet12 \l 2057 (Inwagen, 2012). Rule utilitarian individuals, on the other hand, insist that each a person should decide each rule considering the results expected from everyone who observes that rule. For example, one can opt to tell a lie to save lives of many people, even though lying is not encouraged. Utilitarianism is a natural phenomenon and is based on pleasure and benefit, benefit or harm. The scholars based this theory on various principles like equalitarian which consider that everyone is equal regarding damage or interest; a democracy which holds that whatever is right will benefit many people; and that it is realistic, therefore, no religious principles or beliefs apply CITATION Ser14 \l 2057 (Cremaschi, 2014). This theory encourages people to move from totally self-centered thinking by considering the consequences of our actions and be careful that they do not affect other people negatively. Utilitarianism form of thinking has given rise to animal rights platform where there is fair-minded thinking CITATION Mar163 \l 2057 (Margaret, 2016).
After thinking through this situation using the utilitarian theory, I will give the 20 dollars to the homeless individual I found on the streets considering that utilitarianism encourages common good. I can do without the 20 dollars while this money will highly benefit the homeless individual. The money is mine, and I am supposed to keep it, but there is someone who I know needs it more than I do and will highly benefit. Even though these are competing interests, I must be fair to share what I have.
Kantianism theory is also referred to as deontological ethics, and Emanuel Kant created this theory. According to Margaret, (2016), this theory, duty is the primary criteria that should direct human actions and decisions. The approach encourages people to do something because it is right. Kant placed the responsibility to be the center of morality. According to Margaret, (2016), this philosopher, morals dictate the type of reason in an individual. For instance, one murders someone because they want to take their possessions and without any witnesses. Consequence and not moral reasoning will drive this individual to solve this case. Kant argues that moral reason is the primary determinant and not outcome. Ethical rules are realized through thinking and not by weighing consequences about pleasure, pain, and happiness. Thus, reason guided by morals will reveal that murdering someone because you want to steal what rightfully belongs to them is not acceptable in the society. To argue further, moral rules in the community, through reasoning will bring abo...
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