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Essay Instructions:
Interview a child/family professional working with children ages 12-20 or a parent of a 12-20 year old. Make up ten question to ask the person you chose to interview, but should involve some aspect of issue specific to adolescence.The interview should be conduct with the professional or parent either by phone, e-mail, or in person,the name of the person you interview can be unknown. Answers to the interview quesntions should be integrated with material covered in the references as far as articles and etc. first paragraph talk about the topic secound paragraph imformation on the person you interview, third talk about what you find from your interview last talk about what you learned from you information (data). The fifth page list the interview questions and the person you interview answers.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Anorexia refers to an eating disorder whereby a person decides to starve himself/herself. This condition usually begins at around the onset of puberty and the individuals suffering from this condition usually experience extreme weight loss. People who suffer from Anorexia are usually very skinny though they tend to convince themselves that they are overweight. People suffering from Anorexia are called Anorexics. These individuals have very powerful fear of becoming fat and therefore they develop a tendency of reducing on their food intake in order to ensure that they always remain underweight. This condition usually affects adolescent girls. People suffering from Anorexia often develop very strange eating habits and reduce on their eating adversely. They will reduce on the amount of food they take in even after becoming too ill or even fall ill nearing death. These individuals usually refuse to eat in front of other people and may in some cases prepare huge junks of food and then refusing to eat any of the food. This type of disorder is common among people of higher socioeconomic classes or people who participate in activities that require slimness like modeling, dancing, theater and athletics in general. If a person is having this disorder, such a person needs to see a nutritionist who will be able to give her the required information as far as eating and nutrition is concerned. The common symptoms of Anorexia include weight loss or a person having weight that is inconsistent with the age, height and body build. A person can be considered to be Anorexic if his/her body weight is 15% below the normal weight. Other common symptoms of Anorexia include loss of about 3 consecutive menstrual periods in women, excessive weakness, obsessiveness about the amount of calorie intake, anxiety and shortness of breath. There are several risks which are associated with Anorexia which include: irregular heartbeat, low body temperature, shrunken bones, mineral loss and permanent failure of normal growth. Anorexia is very harmful especially to pregnant women as it may put the life of the mother and that of the baby at great danger if not eliminated in time. Anorexia can be easily controlled if proper eating habits are observed.
The interviewee
In this study, we are going to interview Miss. Jean who is a matron in one of the girls` schools in the city. She is a nutritionist and a trained healthcare professional. She has a wealth of knowledge as Anorexia is concerned. She has been working in the schools for the last seven years and has encountered a number of Anorexic cases. Even though his problem is usually self inflicted, Jean has exercised a lot of patience for the students and offer advice to the students so that they can maintain good eating habits and prevent the occurrence of such a condition. Jean is very patient, caring and also at the same time she is very understanding. Whenever she realizes that a student is suffering from Anorexia, she engages such a student in a healthy discussion whereby she tries to get to the bottom of the matter on why the student is absconding her meals and the ultimate gain that the student is seeking. Engaging the students in such discussions has enabled her solve a number of cases of Anorexia thus making the students to correct their eating habits and live healthy lives. Miss Jean`s professional knowledge has proved to be of much importance as she can be able to help the students correct the condition in a very professional and well informed manner.
Findings from the interview
During the interview with Miss Jean, I was able to learn a lot of things about Anorexia, its causes, effects and how it can be controlled. The main cause of Anorexia is poor eating habit or avoiding meals at the designated times. This trend is common in adolescent girls who are after monitoring their weights and eventually ignoring their health status. This group of girls usually has the feeling that they are overweight and therefore avoid eating forms some very poor eating habits. They therefore become emaciated and very skinny but still feel that they are still overweight. I learnt that there is some good news about Anorexia as this condition can be corrected. However, for this condition to be corrected, it requires the participation of Anorexic and a nutritionist so that the eating ha...
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