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Angelas Ashes By Frank McCourt: What Makes This Book A Great Piece Of Literature

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Angela's Ashes

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Angela’s Ashes
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May 10, 2017
The book Angela’s Ashes written by Frank McCourt is perhaps one of greatest piece of literature ever written in the form of a memoir. This is apparent from the Pulitzer Prize that was awarded to the book as well its #1 New York Times Best seller award. Now the main question is, “what makes this book a great piece of literature?” In my opinion, what makes this book a great piece of literature is its use of imagery which directly reflects the authors background in life. In the next section, I would dwell deeper and check how McCourt’s history is reflected in the way he wrote memoir.
Angela’s Ashes
In most pieces of literature that are being created, the author’s personality could be seen in how he/she writes and delivers the story. In one of the quotes in Angela’s Ashes, McCourt wrote “There are boys in this class with no shoes at all. It’s not their fault and it’s no shame. Our Lord had no shoes” (McCourt, 59). In relation to how this project his personality, it could easily be argued that this was written by him for the fact that he was raised in a religious family back when he was a kid (The Biography.com, 2015). Nevertheless, despite his religious upbringing, this does not merely show that McCourt was innocent in mind and without the knowledge and experience of death and other gruesome dealings of this world. In my opinion, this characteristic of him could be seen from page 66 where he described a master who was t...
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