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"Anarchy" by Malatesta: Theory of Anarchism and Anarcho-Communism

Essay Instructions:

Here are the final paper instructions: 1,250 words (roughly 5 pages) on Anarchy by Malatesta. Use at least three quotations from the work you have chosen. Include a Thesis, Body, Conclusion. Your Thesis should explain what the author is saying and HOW they are saying it. The Body of the paper uses evidence to support your argument, and your Conclusion synthesizes Thesis and Body. Please apply the theory of Anarchism to an actual historical (or ongoing) situation in the world. Otherwise, interpret the novelist's meaning by analyzing metaphors, dialogue, etc.

Reading link: https://theanarchistlibrary(dot)org/library/errico-malatesta-anarchy

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Anarchy by Malatesta
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Anarchy by Malatesta
Without a doubt, Anarchy by Malatesta is an excellent piece because the individual uses different styles to bring forth arguments about anarchy. The author perfectly delivers a fundamental concept and treatise on the whole idea of Anarchism (Malatesta, 1909). Indeed, it is also clear that Errico tries to provide substantial ground in pointing out and clarifying all the existing typical and uncomfortable questions any person would have on the notions on Anarchism.
Here, the author also uses his concern and plain language to approach arguments from the skeptic's view (Malatesta, 1909). As a result, Malatesta uses concrete examples and philosophy to deliver the arguments and also point out how all Anarchists can easily organize a better and new society in the past and today. Malatesta tries to zero in on principle concepts or notions of Anarchism. For this reason, the author is trying to address anarchism critics with a backhand slap of faith and freedom in solidarity of man and the capacity of self-organization.
* Thesis
Therefore, the sole purpose of Anarchy by Matalesta is to highlight and argue that anarchy is a desirable concept, which means that a life without a government should be a state of solidarity, instead of that of chaos as most people think or even expect and the author achieves this by discussing the fundamental tents of mutual aid, solidarity, freedom, and Anarchism that are better options than a government.
Malatesta reminds the reader that the government does not exist, primarily through a physical form, to further expound on the argument. Here, the author highlights that the government is merely a "metaphysical tendency (Malatesta, 1909)." Malatesta argues that human beings speak of the government doing things, but the same government lacks a life of its own. Malatesta claims that the government is just a collection of human beings who generally have power over others. The author questions his readers why human beings give up their initiative and personal liberty to a few other human beings. Here, Malatesta highlights that so many other government theories exist, but all are wholly and fundamentally based on a common ideology.
In this case, the idea is that "men have conflicting interests, and that an external, higher authority is required to oblige one section of the people to respect the consequent interests of the other (Malatesta, 1909)." Such theories are what Malatesta rejects within the book, and the author references the past times that include the origin of human beings. The author shows how human beings survived through mutual aid and banding together, especially when trying to survive against the more substantial predatory animals. Here, Malatesta states that "Under Individualism, the repressive power of government must always increase (Malatesta, 1909)." Further, the author also indicated that "Liberty is not possible without equality (Malatesta, 1909)."
For this reason, the dialogue shows that alone, human beings would die. Still, together they prospered and survived, which means that cooperation, and not competition, is what makes everyone human. Hence, human beings do not need a government, as Malatesta argues.
Similarly, by discussing the fundamental tenets of mutual aid, solidarity, freedom, and, most significantly, Anarchism, Malatesta brings forth the arguments by attacking the concept of government (Malatesta, 1909). Here, the author also talks about the government's monopoly of violence and argues how it uses coercion to keep people and the society on a narrow path of comprehension. Indeed, Malatesta makes some compelling arguments, primarily through the socialist point of view, for what exactly Anarchism stands for and all the goals it tries to achieve.
Malatesta argues that for Socialist Anarchy, the only way it should exist or work is as a revolution that takes every private ownership or property and gives it or instead distributes it amongst all men...
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