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Analysis and Personal Reflections of the Film "Wit"

Essay Instructions:

Short Paper 2 (Wit)

Analysis and Personal Reflections of Wit (the movie)

Your analysis of the movie, Wit, should include a descriptive analysis of one issue related to the healthcare team that you identified in the movie as important to the care of the patient. There are a few issues, so this is not a matter of identifying the only correct issue. You should also reflect upon the movie, express and possibly relate it to personal and/or professional experiences. (Writing about personal experiences is acceptable but not required.) Your analysis and reflection should show that you have seen the movie; your writing should not be superficial (express your opinions, avoid vague generalizations, be specific with examples). References are not needed for this reflection paper.

The assignment will be graded according to the rubric below.

The following questions may help you with your analysis or reflection. You do NOT need to answer these questions.

(1) How does this film portray the relationships between the patient and her health care providers?

(2) How does the film portray the health care providers?

(3) What role does nursing play in the patient's care.

(4) Consider the nurse’s advocacy role, and her teaching role. Is there any place that she could have done a better job in taking care of the patient. Any room for improvement in her delivery to care to this patient? (Do not criticize the technical care, remember artistic license.)

(5) What is important to this patient? What was troubling to this patient regarding her care? What is important in nursing education on any level in order for our nursing force to deliver patient centered care?

(6) How do we deliver patient centered care? How could we change our practice to address these deficiencies in health care? Is it reasonable to expect that we could address the patient as a person, and still have time to take care of our patients? How do nurses get to know patients?

(7) What will your nursing practice resemble?

8) How has recent changes in our profession driven the possibility of expanding our approach to health care in the clinical setting?

9). Would any of the practice short comings in “WIT” happen today in our local hospitals?

10) Did you recognize any health care provider from this Movie in roles that you recently experienced in your Preceptorship?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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“Wit” is exciting and beneficial to those in the medical field. It is a film about an English professor named Vivian Bearing. She is a successful scholar and professor, but she lives an unhappy life in isolation despite her accomplishments. She prefers the presence of books over the presence of her peers. The film depicts her final weeks of life as she battles ovarian cancer. The film also reveals the impact of the healthcare providers’ actions on her.
The characters in the film will help Vivian in a variety of ways. There is no antagonist in the film; however, Doctor Kelekian and his intern, Jason Posner, exist. Doctor Kelekian asserts his authority over the patient. Both of them acted in a way that ignored and mistreated the patient. For example, after detecting cancer in Vivian, Doctor Kelekian begins discussing treatment options with her. He suggests an experimental form of chemotherapy that would be appropriate for her. Vivian does not always understand that the doctor relays everything in medical terms, which Vivian does not always understand. He has no empathy, and he even continues to discuss the treatment without allowing her to decide what she desires. Dr. Posner performs a gynecological examination on Vivian in one scene that demonstrates a lack of care. Dr. Posner lifts Vivian’s gown without her consent and touches her body, demonstrating where the cancer was and where it was shrinking. The other people in the room did the same thing, and they all talked to each other in front of her using medical jargon that she could not understand (Nichols, 2001). For them, a patient is similar to a tool meant to be used. As we can see, the actions of the doctor and the intern indicate that the...
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