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Why America Should Abolish Columbus Day?

Essay Instructions:

Book Link :https://openstax(dot)org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
Introduction:Did you know Martin Luther King Jr. and Christopher Columbus are the only two non-presidential individuals to have a federal holiday named after them? Let that factoid sink in for a minute---Martin Luther King Jr-- a Southern preacher and an iconic civil rights hero who protested against segregation and racism through nonviolence and the other individual is Christopher Columbus who is either celebrated as a heroic modern navigator who defied all odds and "discovered" the Americas or a greedy murderous pirate who spread colonialism and genocide. Because of the latter, Columbus Day as a celebration has come under fire in the last couple of decades because many people especially historians started to separate the man from the myth and held him responsible for spreading violence, racism, and ultimately genocide. Many communities and more than 27 states across America have eliminated Columbus Day as a holiday altogether and replaced the day with “Indigenous Day” as a way to bring awareness to Native Americans. However, some states and people continue to celebrate Christopher Columbus and question whether taking away their right to celebrate the man will lead to any effective and positive changes. So where do you stand on this topic of Columbus Day?
1. [READ CHAPTER 2] Before you begin this assignment, you will need to review chapter 2 "Early Globalization: The Atlantic World 1492-1650" in the textbook to learn the historical context on Christopher Columbus.
2. [REVIEW PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES] After completing reading chapter 2 "Early Globalization: The Atlantic World 1492-1650," you will proceed to read and review the following primary and secondary resources on the topic of Columbus Day.
Source #1:
1. "Five Myths of Christopher Columbus" by Kris Lane (2015) (Links to an external site.)
Source #2:
2. "Can a Holiday to Honor Native Americans Help Heal a History of Oppression?" by The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board (2016) Download 2. "Can a Holiday to Honor Native Americans Help Heal a History of Oppression?" by The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board (2016)
Source #3:
3. "Columbus Should be Celebrated" by David A. Sprecace in the Denver Post Editorial (2007) Download 3. "Columbus Should be Celebrated" by David A. Sprecace in the Denver Post Editorial (2007)
Source #4:
4. "Christopher Columbus | Native Americans | One Word" by the Cut (Links to an external site.)
3. [ASSESS AND POST A TOPIC REPLY/30 points]: Now that you have reviewed the readings and sources, what are your thoughts on Columbus Day? To complete this assignment, you will participate in this online class discussion on the topic of Columbus Day by posting a Topic Reply (minimum of 400 words) that answers all of the following critical thinking questions:
Should America abolish Columbus Day? Explain why.
Would abolishing Columbus Day help Native Americans to address and solve the issues and inequities within their communities?
Please organize your answers to the questions above in an organized short essay format (minimum of 400 words) and post your topic reply to the discussion forum by clicking the [reply] button below.

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Why America Should Abolish Columbus Day
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Why America Should Abolish Columbus Day
Christopher Columbus from Genoa, Italy, believed that extensive Atlantic exploration would spread Christianity and expand European trade. In 1485, Columbus approached Spanish, Venetian, Genoese, English, and Portuguese monarchs asking for funding and ships to explore the westward route (Corbett et al., 2012). The inauguration of Columbus Day occurred in 1907 in Denver. However, Russell Means, a Native American activist, led a protest of the American Indian Movement in 1989, where individuals involved poured fake blood on Columbus statue in Denver, while Italian Americans filled the streets protesting (Lane, 2015). The paper focuses on whether Columbus Day should be abolished in the United States of America (USA) and if it would help Native Americans address issues and inequities within their communities.
The USA should abolish Columbus Day to raise public consciousness about Native Americans. In reality, Columbus Day should be replaced by Indigenous People Day to recognize the suffering of Native Americans. Some people consider Columbus Day to celebrate a cruel slave trader who facilitated genocide and slavery. In other words, Columbus reminds individuals about the violent colonization of the USA, and that is why he should not be celebrated since, for some people celebrating him reflects their pain of losing their loved ones in mass killing and the oppression they encountered in slavery. Columbus Day has mixed reactions from Americans since it mirrors the history of oppression, discrimination, and racism (The Times Editorial Board, 2016). Besides, Columbus facilitated the colonization process, which devastated Native Americans. However, abolishing Columbus Day should be accompanied by the creation of honest statements and meaningful policies, such as returning sacred sites or compensating tribes that lost their lands. Moreover, the government should help Native Americans protect their sacred sites to avoid investors from starting infrastructural projects.
Currently, over twenty-seven states and numerous communities have abolished Columbus Day. Although President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to recognize the achievements of Columbus by proclaiming Columbus Day in 1934, it reminds Native Americans of the suffering and pain caused by this prominent explorer. Some indigenous people call Columbus an invader, murderer, tyrant, rapist, and slave trader (Cut, 2015). That means when a portion of Americans celebrate Columbus Day due to the person's good deeds and capitalistic mind; others remember the pain and problems caused by this person. Columbus initiated acts of genocide, eroded the human rights of indigenous Americans, and discovered routes for the slave trade (The Denver Post, 2007). Despite Columbus being an explorer who is believed to have discovered America and various routes in the ocean, it is not a good idea to have Columbus Day since the individual oppressed and tormented Native Americans.
Abolishing Columbus Day might help Native Americans to address issues and inequities within their communities. For over 500 years, indigenous America...
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