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Age of Enligthenment

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The book's on which it is based on are within these two links:

John Locke Second Treatise


The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano


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Locke’s Theme of Property in relation to Land and Real Estate Development
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Locke’s Theme of Property in relation to Land and Real Estate Development
John Locke is one of the most significant political philosophers who are believed to have shaped the modern period. Chapter V of the Two Treatises of Government explores the theme of property where Locke argued that people should be allowed to have whatever they can possess so long as the possession does not harm others. Locke further argues that individuals have fundamental rights that the entitlement to possess property, and the virtuous life and liberty. The three basic rights have a groundwork that is not related to the laws that govern any specific society. Locke utilized the case that men are free and equal by nature as a major aspect of justification for understanding the political government. Locke describes the political government to engage people on a social contract that entails transferring some rights to the government to guarantee citizens the steady, agreeable delight in their lives, freedom, and property. Since governments exist by the general population's assent keeping in mind the end goal to secure the general population's privileges and advance people in general great. Therefore, governments that neglect to do as such can be opposed and supplanted with new governments. Locke is hence likewise imperative for his safeguard of the privilege of upheaval. The section traverses Locke’s theme of property to explore the significant of his arguments about land development and relate them to present-day large-scale real estate development.
According to Locke, the existence of private ownership is determined by the presence of possible means by which human beings suit the things around them. As an illustration, Locke explores the idea of personal property by describing the ownership of body that an individual will own the body. Also, Locke describes labor as a resource that individuals can accomplish with their bodies (Locke, 2014). Further illustration of the statement can be seen by the use of apple gathering as an example that the number of apples that an individual can pick is a product of the individual’s ability. It implies that a piece of property belongs to a person as long as the person has supplemented acquiring it with their labor. Therefore, appropriation property does not require the assent of human beings in general. Locke’s statement is not an opposition to excessive property ownership. Comparing the statement with the vast development of real estate in South Florida, one can build as many estates and related properties as much as they can be put into use. In agreement to Locke’s property appropriation, a person can acquire more than what he cannot with the help of monetary resources (Locke, 2014). When a person has money, labor can be done through other people. Despite using other people to develop a property, the type of ownership remains private. The promotion of acquiring as much as what one can use by Locke is not an opposition to excessive real-estate dev...
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