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Admissions Essay

Essay Instructions:

Applicants must write and submit a 500-word essay explaining their objectives in applying for graduate study and including a brief personal statement of your education and career goals. Why do you want to go into the school counseling program?

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Admissions Essay
I have always treasured education as an important foundation of my attaining my career objectives. Education has always played a significant role in helping close family members to realize and achieve their full potential. During my undergraduate studies, my professors introduced me to the discipline of psychology and assisted me to identify a career path that matches my special abilities. I knew from the inception that joining graduate school would present an opportunity to expand my knowledge in psychology and ultimately achieve my objectives. My central mission is to develop a solid knowledge base of human behavior diversity for understanding myself and others. As a long-term objective, I plan to become an educator, which will allow me to help others to realize their full capacity as counselors and in their personal lives. A graduate program in counseling at the University will offer an avenue that will develop both my scholarly and clinician objectives. It will also develop my behavior analysis skills required in working with persons with developmental disorders required in a counselor’s career.
At the crux of a professional counseling career lies a concern for others and desire to help. This relates squarely with my personal belief that a truly rewarding life is anchored on the desire to achieve future plans and in offering a lending hand to others. I have been privileged to have a mother who has always inspired me to exploit every opportunity than comes my way and to ensure that my pursuits are also of benefit to others. I have had the opportunity to work with adults and children in counseling set ups and I find both experiences fulfilling. This is because I have exceptional people skills that allow me the opportunity to interact and communicate with these vulnerable people.
I am committed to the field and I desire to gain competency in counseling at different settings and I believe that the counseling program at the university will provide the skills I require to become effective in the field. One of my greatest motivations to pursue this field has been inspired by the fact that I appreciate the efforts that therapists have made to establish rehabilitation centers for substance abusers. Observing the transformation addicts experience after rehabilitation provides significant insight and provokes a strong desire towards a future that allows me to work alongside other psychologists. I desire to establish a rehabilitation center upon completion of the counseling program as a way of channeling compassionate nature and desire to assist the youth to stay clean from drugs.
The counseling program at the university offers quality learning to enable me to empower people from varying backgrounds to perform at the pinnacle of their mental health and general wellness. The university has also continuously maintained a reputation for developing professional counselors who have made great advancements in leadership and advocacy in professional counseli...
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