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Research How To Achieve Strong - Tie In Modern Age?

Essay Instructions:

One introduction with hook and thesis

And two body paragraph, each body should have one topic sentence and two quotes from different essays.

"Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli" Adam Gopnik

"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted” Malcolm Gladwell

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strong Ties
“That’s my former campus roommate…we used to be very close back then, but we’ve not been in contact for around seven years…” So often, the narrative goes the same way. It always feels like just a short while of non-communication between friends or acquaintances yet in real sense, the gap is huge. The current modern age has only worked to compound the situation even further. In the earlier centuries, people and societies seemed to be closely-knit, hence stronger interpersonal ties. There was always some specific time to meet up as a community and have some time to share. It seems like interpersonal ties are getting weaker and weaker with time. There are however, ways in which strong ties can be achieved in the modern age, as this paper will address.
The first way to achieve stronger ties is through proper time allocation. It might sound like a cliché, but time management is increasingly becoming a crucial factor of everyone’s life today. The modern capitalistic environment has brought with it an unending thirst for more and more profits. Suddenly, everyone is, or seems busy searching for more money. Others have taken have taken up the journey up the career ladder rather too seriously. People have now replaced all their time with money or anything related to that. They are too busy to do any other thing apart from their careers or businesses. As Adam Gopnik(2002) in Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli terms it, “…Like Charlie Ravioli, we hop into taxis and leave messages on answering machines to avoid our acquaintances, and find that we keep missing our friends…”It definitely paints the reality of the current lifestyle. People have embraced life on the fast lane too much to the extent that they forget to even take a breather. It is a high time that people learnt how to differentiate and apportion, appropriately, time for business and time to engage in other things as well. After all, life is not all about work and pursuit of more money. There are other things...
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