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Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K) Sweetener and Obesity

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions about the sweetener that you have selected. Your paper should be approximately two pages long, double-spaced, with proper citations and a References section at the end.

Select a sweetener
Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition).
Discuss safety and the sweetener that you have selected.
Examine the relationship between the sweetener that you have selected and obesity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Acesulfame Potassium (Ace – k) Sweetener
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Acesulfame Potassium (Ace – k) Sweetener
Acesulfame potassium (Acesulfame k) sweetener was discovered in 1967 at Hoechst Ag by Karl Clauss in Germany. Ace K sweetener was discovered by chance as Clauss was creating a reaction between 2-Butyn and flourosulfonly Isocyanate. As he was working, he licked his fingers and discovered they tasted sweet. He discovered dihydro-oxazines, a chemical category in which several sweet compounds are found. In December 2003, Ace-k sweetener was given general approval in the United States of America for multiple product use, including chewing gum, dry dessert, and dry beverages.
Acesulfame K (E 950) is an artificial sweetener produced chemically and 200 times sweeter than sugar but with a bitter aftertaste (Barregnen, 2020). It has a chemical spectrum of: ‘6-methyl-1, 2, 3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt(55589-62-3) 13C NMR’ and ‘6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4( 3H)-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt(55589-62-3) 1H NM’ to form a chemical form C4H4KNO4S which is sold to the people with brands easier to pronounce. It has a bitter aftertaste, thus often combined with aspartame, cyclamate and sucralose.
Ace- k sweeter is safe for human consumption. In 1985, the European Union’s scientific committee for food published a detailed assessment of Ace-k sweetener. This committee consisted of toxicologists who approved the use of Ace-k sweeter in food and beverages. Also, it has been proved to be safe for human consumption by Food and Drug Association (FDA) sin...
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