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Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, Plagiarism, Fabrication

Essay Instructions:

write a two-page summary explaining what the policy is and how you will avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty.
Make sure to address the following:
• Cheating
• Plagiarism
• Fabrication and Falsification
• Multiple Submission
• Complicity in Academic Dishonesty
Your essay should be written using APA style: Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. You should indent your paragraphs, and each paragraph should contain one idea (such as one paragraph explaining “cheating”). Each paragraph should contain 4 to 6 sentences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
                Academic Dishonesty Name Institution Date           Academic Dishonesty             Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating that happens in relation to academic exercises that should be formal. It involves cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, sabotage, impersonation, deception, and bribery. Academic dishonesty has occurred in every academic environment, from elementary to graduate school and has been met with much condemnation by the educated society. The society today has taken a very negative view with this form of dishonesty because it has become a problem in all levels of education.             Cheating is any trial to give or get assistance in a formal academic process without rightful acknowledgement. Cheating can happen for the purpose of getting credit, or improving in performance evaluation by means of dishonesty means. Academic institutions will not accept any form of cheating and the policy on cheating can be simply summarized: As a student, one is responsible for one’s work and actions. To avoid committing an act of cheating one should avoid copying from another or discussing during examination time to avoid disciplinary actions.             Plagiarism is the process of reproducing ideas, statements, or words of another person without rightful acknowledgement of the person. If ideas, words, or statements were arrived at through personal reasoning, then an act cannot be considered plagiarism. Original sources should be given appropriate acknowledgement through references including; footnotes, commentary, or footnotes. Academic institution will not accept any form of plagiarism. To avoid committing plagiarism,...
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