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Influenza Virus: the Lethal Outbreak

Essay Instructions:
First of all I would like to have the same writer that completed order # 00013941 since he has a working knowledge of the topic plus I want everything to be symmetrical.Writer compose an abstract of our final research paper that we will complete next week. Make sure you adhere to the guidelines explained below. The abstract should include the following: - A tentative title for your paper - A thesis statement (remember the thesis statement we used before) - Information about what your research topic is, what your research question is, and how you have been developing your topic. This means referencing the sources you have already consulted and those that you still plan to consult to complete your project. Abstracts should be no more than one page in length. Also, please include you tentative conclusion. Attached you will find a sample abstract to help you out a little bit.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Influenza Virus: the Lethal Outbreak
Throughout history, the influenza virus epidemic has caused panic all over the world. A series of studies have been conducted in an effort to reduce the risks and as much as possible prevent its reoccurrence. Though technological advancements and modern discoveries have been made, precautions should still be at high alert. This paper will highlight seriousness of the matter, further cautioning that epidemics are still a major disaster concern. The first wave of the Influenza virus outbreak had left people in a state of grave distress and fear. On the other hand, vaccination and natural bodily immunity have prevented the likely increase in the number of victims to a great extent. No matter, however, it does not disregard the alarming factor brought about by this epidemic, especially now that recent studies have confirmed that another is likely to occur again soon. So far, there have been developments made in the area - though not so much as to construct immunity. Yet, despite the uncertainties, details pertaining to possible sources of this virus and potentially helpful, preventive devices are already making impressive progress. In any case, it is still far from finding a definite cure for this deadly virus. This research paper will provide a mere summary focused mainly on the influenza virus epidemiology; in particular, its viable causes, lethal effects, and the promising advances in human technology designed to deter its spreading. References for this paper include data and figures gathered from World H...
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