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The Importance Of Abortion: Pro-Life And Pro-Choice

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You have to write an essay sample on Abortion: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice

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ABORTION: PRO-LIFE AND PRO-CHOICE Abotion: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice [Author’s Name: First name, Middle initial(s), Last name] [Institutional affiliation] Abstract The life of a human being is precious. And it doesn’t matter if the life is of a fetus in the womb or a fully grown woman, life is precious no matter. It is under this thinking that makes abortion, even in the modern age, controversial. Debates still occur in this subject, and through the years the world has seen pro-life and pro-choice advocates warring against each other with much angst. All for a good reason, of course. Pro-life fight for lives of every human being and that includes the child in the womb; and pro-choice fight for the women who are not given a choice to make up their own minds about what to do with their bodies. Both sides have argued their side reasonably; perhaps, they will continue to do so for a very long time. This paper does not make a decision who is right or wrong, but it definitely highlights the importance of making an informed decision, no matter what it is. Life is a precious thing—a gift that is borrowed for the entirety of your earthly existence—but a precious one, still. From the beginning of time, the birthing of new life had been regarded as a blessing, so the chaos that abortion brings is very understandable. The mother who bears life in her womb, immediately becomes the direct steward of the child—but her decision and authority over the course of the life of the unborn child is questioned repeatedly.  HYPERLINK "/pro-life-vs-pro-choice-721108" Is abortion right? The true question is this: are you pro-life or are you pro-choice? Pro-life advocates believe that all life is precious; and so the life in the womb at any stage is life that you selfishly take away when you commit an abortion. Pro-choice advocates on the other hand, believe that it is a woman’s decision, being that it is her body, to decide on the fate of her pregnancy. The divide between the two sides has continued to bring controversy in both church and state. Does the mother have the right to choose? The sixth commandment says, “thou shall not kill” and to many people, terminating the life of the unborn child in the womb is a form of murder. It is breathed a soul, as soon as it was conceived in womb and it is a living being. When you decide to commit abortion, you are murdering the life of the child and are sinning against God. But what if the birth of the child is poses a potential threat to the life of the mother? Does the mother not have a right to make a choice to save her only life? Is it still murder in this case? Unfortunately throughout history, a number of abortions has committed not because there was a fatal threat to life, but rather it posed a pending inconvenience. Many women choose to terminate their pregnancies because they cannot afford it or they are physically, emotionally, and mentally incapable of rearing the child. This, of course, magnifies the intent of one’s decision. After all, conception is not asexual—so if you think that it is going to be a struggle to bring life to a child, then you shouldn’t have had intercourse, or at least, used contraception. As early as the 1800s, abortion has always caused conflict. Despite the s...
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