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A Tour of the Ropes Center

Essay Instructions:

WE HAD TO GO TO THE Rope CENTER FROM 9AM UNTIL 3PM IN Saturday, WE ALL KNEW THAT STUDENTS GO CLIMB AT THE Rope CENTER SO THE WHOLE CLASS ASSUMED THAT WE WILL CLIMB ALL DAY AND WE EXPECTED IT'S GOING TO BE BORING AND TIRING.. SO once we got there the team of 4 people started talking to us they looked really really nice where we all felt comfortable, so we all gathered and started to listen to the rules which they basically were 1. take care of your self 2. take care of each other 3. take care of the place so after that we played the different games to refresh our minds, after that we formed three groups of 10 and my group we played three different games which were really exciting and we learned how to work in group and be patient,at 12 everyone toke a 30 min break for lunch and then we started climbing summary: we had fun, we didn't expect it would be that fun, we worked in groups learned how to introduce our selves to new people, we learned how hard things can be solved if we think and be patient....( The rest of the information is attached) Thanks :) Games Name.. 1-helium hula hoop 2-Relay 3-Transfer to treasure island -can you mention my partners names: Mohammed,Rami,Nilson,chris that we helped each other etc... You can write the rope center and ill change it later cz i forgot the name of the place.. Thanks a lot for the help


This will be a great experience that will challenge you both mentally and physically. You, as the participant, will come to depend on your classmates for support and inspiration. As a group, ROPES provides the tools for you to accomplish feats you may have thought impossible. As the one-day experience unfolds, participants feel personal fulfillment and satisfaction in a non-threatening, beautiful outdoor environment.

In addition, Ropes has a way of "staying with you" long after the day is complete. Participants find that the challenges of ROPES helps with everyday situations such as school, family, and career. ROPES pushes you beyond your comfort zone into areas of potential that you may not have known existed! Your participation will definitely have a positive affect on you!


Now, to prepare for ROPES,

Since it is assumed that you have not experienced a ROPES course, you will probably feel some anxiety, anticipation and excitement as the day approaches. One of the best ways to relieve any of these feelings is to write your thoughts on paper. Please list three (3) feelings on your upcoming ROPES event. You will turn these in to your instructor just before our trip.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Tour of the Ropes Center
Like any other class looking forward to attending an outdoor event, me and my classmates were very animated at the thought of spending a whole day at the Rope Centre. The event had been scheduled to take place on a Saturday at the Ropes Center; running from 9am to 3pm. At first we all thought the day would entirely constitute of climbing activities only, a thought that had led some of us to assume that the day would be extremely tiring and boring. However, these thoughts were overturned by a brief circulated by our instructor a few days before the material day. The brief described the activities that we were to perform at the center as both physically and mentally challenging and the entire event as a great and priceless experience. In addition, the brief also stated that the event was bound to have a considerably lasting effect on the participants by equipping them with skills to combat everyday situations and motivating them to explore beyond their comfort. Consequently, the description coupled with my attempt to visualize the approaching ropes event and how the day will be like evoked feeling of excitement, anticipation and motivation in me. I felt motivated to face and conquer the impending challenges at the Ropes Center. I felt eager to learn new life skills and effective strategies for resolving everyday situations. This paper explores the Ropes Center event particularly the games, interactions, activities, and our general experiences during the expedition.
Our trip to the Ropes Center kicked off at 9am on a beautiful and cloudless Saturday morning. Once we arrived at the location, the center had already prepared a team of four friendly professionals who were to welcome us, brief us regarding our day's events and point out essential issues pertinent to our tour. The elegantly dressed quadruple efficiently took as through the day's schedule without delay. Their approach to each of the items and their sociable mode of delivery was very effective in helping each one of us feel relaxed and comfortable.
Most notably, the Ropes Center staff clearly outlined and explained three key rules that were meant to guide us throughout the event. First among the rules was the requirement that each of us takes good care of themselves. They explained that each of us was responsible for their safety and hence, the need for the all the participants to observe such necessary precautionary measures as use of the provided protective gear to guard against injuries or accidents. The second rule required us to take good care of one another. The Ropes Center professionals advised us against engaging in behaviors that would jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of our fellow participants. In addition, this rule required us to offer assistance to one another during the time of need and never to allow our peers to engage in activities that put them in danger. The last rule concerned caring for the Ropes Center itself. The group encouraged us to take care of the facilities and equipment that we would be using throughout the day to ensure those who will come after us will enjoy the location as much as we were about to....
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