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The 9/11 Terror Attack, Unabomber, and Cyber Attack on American Water Authority

Essay Instructions:

Unfortunately, we can all think of far too many attacks against the nation. Focus on three and share your thoughts. For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What was it? Why did it occur? How did our nation allow it to occur? How did it affect the security of our nation? What can we do to prevent future instances?
Do not include direct quotations in your posting; instead, as necessary, paraphrase. Formulating your own thoughts from analyzing new information and studying established work is what we need for successful experts of the future.

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Attacks against the United States
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Attacks against the United States
Terrorism remains one of the issues that affect the border security of the United States while compromising the effective operation of critical infrastructures. The major threats in the country result from religious extremists and white supremacists with inspiration from Al-Qaeda and Islamic State. As a result, the federal government has encountered intense pressure to identify and deter terrorist attacks. According to an analysis of terrorist events and fatalities, right-wing extremists pose terror threats to the country (Mohammed Hafez & Creighton Mullins, 2015). Cybercriminals target critical infrastructures to gain prominence while disrupting normal operations in a country. 9/11 attacks, sunburst hacks on the energy sector, and the American water authority cyberattack are typical cyberattacks in the United States.
September 11 Terrorist Attack
September 11, 2001, the 9/11 attack was one of the terrorist incidents that involved a series of suicide attacks and airline hijackings. 19 militants associated with Al-Qaeda hijacked airplanes and executed attacks against New York City and Washington DC during the incident. According to Gaibulloev and Sandler (2019), the attacks by the militants resulted in the deaths of a large number of people and the destruction of properties. Besides, the incident caused the deaths of many firefighters and the demolition of fire departments. Therefore, the terror attack on the mainland of the United States was an event that Americans had not experienced before. However, the attackers caused catastrophic long-term impacts from a global perspective.
The 9/11 terror attack resulted from numerous factors leading to deaths and property destruction. For instance, Iranian Revolution stirred Islamic extremism, thus leading to the incident. Besides, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Egyptian president’s assassination motivated the criminals to execute their malicious intentions (Gaibulloev & Sandler, 2019). Equally, limited economic opportunities and soaring birthrates resulted in far-reaching social pressures that motivated militants. Extremist thinking embraced violence in the same period since local regimes could not facilitate democratic reform.
The 9/11 terror attack enhanced the security of the United States to prevent such incidents in the future. Therefore, the United States ought to improve monitoring and assessment of the available system through intelligence gathering as strategies to avoid such incidents. Importantly Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should collaborate with other key stakeholders, such as community leaders, to facilitate sharing of information (Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (Spice, 2018). In such a case, the United States would be more resilient to terror attacks and the use of weapons.
Unabomber- Domestic Terrorism
Theodore Kaczynski, Unabomber, is a domestic terrorist who conducted a series of attacks using mail bombs while targeting business executives and academics. The incident resulted in deaths of about three people and numerous injuries. Unabomber executed a nationwide bombing campaign against individuals he believed were advancing modern technology and destroying the environment. Theodore advocated for nature-centered anarchism and opposed industrialization. The terrorist gained fame in 1978 after an explosion of his first primitive homemade bomb at Chicago University (Fleming, 2021). In executing his attacks, the terrorist sowed panic and fear while threat...
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