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21 century slavery in the US and the world

Essay Instructions:
This is African American class. I want the essay outline to be " Introduction , 3 body paragraghs, conclusion. I want a clear thesis and three body paragraghs related to the thesis. I want to choose for the thesis 3 kinds of slavery in 21 century and to write about each kind in a seperate paragragh. NOTE: I want a clear thesis and 3 body paragraphs, please..and I want you to write the kinds of slavery in the thesis.
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Slavery in 21st Century Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: Slavery in 21st Century Slave trader flourished in the USA but abruptly came to an end from activism from anti-slavery crusaders. It is therefore unfortunate to know that it still exist in the 21st century only that the trends has changed. We no longer witness powerful white regime raiding certain villages in Africa and capturing black men and women to sell them to American merchants who later sold them as slaves to American farmers and households. Initially, it was common to identify a slave from the American population but as time has lapsed, the trends have changed systems have become quite hard to distinguish between a common American from a slave. The fact is, America has millions of slaves but unfortunately they are not all black as one might think. Slaves are collected from many parts of Africa, Middle East, Far East, South America, and Asia and also there are some Native Americans who serve as slaves. Back before1850, it was legal to own a slave within the USA but time has changed and slavery is now viewed as in human and actually carry long jail terms. In recent years, the trend has adopted various models including: forced labor, under age slavery, women trafficking, sex trafficking and domestic service slaves. Some of the reasons attributed to flourishing of modern US slavery include poor government response, poor judicial mechanisms and public scourge. Around 75% of slaves in America are women and half of these numbers are children below sixteen years. Some of the definitions generated to define modern slavery include: victims being enslaved to physical abuse and psychological torture, victims may be exploited through fraud, coercion or forceful labor and all victims in these cases are unable to free themselves from these scenarios. In short, the trends in the 1800’s only differ from modern time’s slavery since there no longer exist legal ownership of slaves but still they can be exchanged for lesser monetary value. The trend also involves diversified nationalities, gender, age, educational levels and class across demographic elements. Human trafficking in America is real and has seen criminal groups or gangs, corrupt government officials and some families held up in state and federal prisons for their involvement in the barbaric trade. Sex slaves According Cox (2006), United States have ready market for slaves. Majority of these slaves are women who are brought to the country with pretence of genuine employment opportunities. Upon their arrival, they are subjected to become strippers or prostitutes at little or zero compensation. America for along time is regarded as the land of opportunities and many people have paid this belief by subjecting themselves to deceit from corrupt human traffickers. The demand for cheap sex and young children’s sex in America is quite high and this has contributed to a constant demand for sex slaves. Furthermore, there are no clear laws which immigrants have to sign when coming to the US. Many women come to America without qualifications to secure standard jobs only to transform to commercial sex workers after sometime. Corrupt cartels identify such women and normally threaten them with deportation and prosecution. In an effort to remain safe within the American soil; such women are forced to be sex slaves for long durations of time. Cases of men being treated the same way are common only that they are subjected to other types of forced labor like working in factories and domestic service men. In few cases, they may also serve as sex workers either as homosexual slaves or hired to certain class of...
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