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1st Year Writing Remembered Event Essay

Essay Instructions:

"...those who bear witness…are caught in the conflict between victim and perpetrator. It is morally impossible to remain neutral in this conflict. The bystander is forced to take sides."

---Judith Herman, M.D.

Trauma and Recovery

WHAT: After reading this quote, write an essay where you EITHER

examine one time 1) when you took a stand, 2) wanted to take a stand and did not, or 3) witnessed someone else taking a stand. What conclusions have you drawn about what kind of person you were and/or want to be? This conclusion forms the reflection part of your essay.


Write an essay about one of your achievements. Tell the story of the moment of your achievement, and of what lead to that moment. What deeper insight or wisdom did this achievement give you? This deeper insight or wisdom forms the reflection part of your essay.

Please see the attached file and follow the instructions. Don hesitate to reach me if you have any question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Remembered Event Essay - Integrity
September 20, 2018
I happened to land a part-time job as a sales representative with the local branch of an international corporate organization after graduating from high school. It was an exciting opportunity for me as I got to interact with people from all walks of life as I helped them in making purchases at the store. The joy and excitement of earning a few extra coins on the side while gaining valuable experience in the job market would shine all over my face as I cheerfully served the customers during my intense working hours. I was, however, not prepared for the workplace challenges as it was my first paying job after completing my high school studies and thus dedicated myself to learning the ropes from the seasoned colleagues and the charismatic manager to whom I was reporting. It is during my short stint at the branch that I learned the hard way that remaining true to yourself and steadfast in what one believes to be the right way of doing things can be a challenging task.
Besides interacting with my customers, I gained worthwhile experience from watching and learning from the inspiring manager who would make routine visits to my shelf and offer valuable advice on how to handle the clients. The branch manager, an outgoing individual with a radiating confidence and a sleek tongue, would find his way with almost everyone he met or talked to at the store. He would charm his way into convincing the customers to make bigger purchases than they intended while also motivating or rather pushing me and the rest of the staff to work overtime for an extra pay that never found its way to the pay slips. The excitement of working in such an intense environment and the prospects of making my own money further blinded me from seeing the manager’s deceptive and manipulative skills as his actions would later reveal. The responsibilities at the workplace as a part-time sales representative included direct marketing of the company products, collecting orders for the same, while also introducing new products to the clients. The sales representatives for the company, we were also tasked with collecting payments for the consignment goods and depositing the cash into an account for the branch within which we carried out our operations. It was one of the most sensitive aspects of our daily operations as we had to run the numbers with the branch manager to whom we also reported. It is also because of the sensitive matter of payment collection that we had to undergo an intense induction process. All the sales representatives had to read and understand the organization’s code of conduct and ethics in carrying out our duties. The branch manager oversaw the whole process and kept reiterating on the importance of integrity when handling payments from our clients. During the dispensation of our mandate at the firm, I came to the disheartening realization that the manager was not all that he led us to believe in our first few days at the company. The manager would coerce the seasoned representatives to delay in making certain collections from the client as he was the one who controlled or rather balanced the accounts.
As a hardworking and competent individual, I dedicated myself to upholding the organization’s code of conduct while carrying out my duties with utmost integrity and honesty. I would give clients with difficulties in making payments on time the company’s recommended period for such occurrences before reporting them to the manager for further assistance in seeking the same. However, my dedication and commitment to following standard procedures coupled with balanced accounts for all the clients within my assigned location would not protect me from the manager’s manipulation in ...
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