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1/Please explain why you selected dentistry as a profession? If you were employed while obtaining your dental degree, how many hours a week did you work, and what was the nature of your employment? Please describe your experience in dentistry? Have you ever received any awards for outstanding academic/scholarly achievements, athletic/musical talent, or community service? Please list and explain? If you observed a classmate cheating, what if any action would you take and why? After receiving your DDS, how and where do you envision your skills being employed?

Essay Instructions:
I used to think it strange when people were apprehensive about receiving dental care. As a child growing up in Iraq, I had always enjoyed going to the dentist. My family's dentist was a trusted family friend who knew how to make me feel at home in a sterile working environment. He could disarm each of his patients with a smile, a story, or in my case, with interesting x-rays of teeth. He was passionate about his work, and jumped at the chance to infect others with his enthusiasm. You could say that I had caught the bug at an early age. I am an Iraq born citizen, with a strong passion in dentistry. My interests in dentistry begun during the initial two year course in pharmacy I took in Iraq back in the year 2003. I positively responded to this by moving into Jordan where I pursued a course in dentistry. While studying in Jordan, I used to regularly visit my family dentist, to observe and learn on how to handle and treat patients with dental problems. This gave me some basic practical skills in dentistry. After graduation, I relocated into the U.S.A. where I am now working as a dental assistant. Here, I operate under seven different dentists, and as a result I have considerably gained a lot of experience in the field. Some of the notable experiences that I have had are the absolute need for a dentist to respect time while performing his or her duties. Additionally I have learnt the differentiated modern dental technology, which provides patients with the best treatment, in a safer and more convenient way. In a day we attend to a considerable number of patients with different dental problems. This is advantageous to me since I am exposed and equipped with vast knowledge in dental field. Likewise, the high dental technology in America has been of great help to me and the entire dental experts, since through it we are able to handle more complex dental problems safely and easily. Throughout my stay in the U.S.A I have been an active volunteer in the American Red Cross Association, where I have learnt to take care of the needy by offering my services to them. Here, I participate in blood donation exercise, where I get to meet different people. I also participate in the supply of basic needs to the people. For instance I actively participate in the American Red Cross operation of 2011 which aimed at combating the tornado outbreak in California and Virginia (Evans, 2011). My active role in the humanitarian services has significantly boosted my communication and team work skills considerably. I have also been able to effectively interact with many people suffering from different problems. Through Red Cross I have been able to give back to the society. Additionally, the humanitarian services have significantly elevated my sense of care, which is important in any health practitioner. My previous experiences have not only enabled me to effectively and efficiently interact and work well with people, but have also significantly boosted my dentistry career. Having worked as a dental assistant for a longer time has enabled me to have a firsthand experience on the many dental problems faced by people. This position has also extensively enhanced my knowledge and skills in dentistry. In addition, the exposure in the dental service has considerably elevated my passion in the field. Being exposed to more advanced dental technology in the U.S.A has considerably bettered my skills and knowledge in the field. My volunteer work in the American Red Cross has greatly nurtured the sense of team work in me. In addition the same has enhanced due diligence and sense of care, which are the core values needed in the dental practice. It is in the light of the above experience that i intend to pursue my dream career in dentistry in one of the American dental school. I believe that my past practice and contribution will positively assist me to realize my dream. Thank you. - education and experience: - Pharmacy School - Baghdad University - Baghdad /Iraq - I studied pharmacy for two years in Iraq then I moved to Jordan to study dentistry. -Radiation Safety Certificate. -From Fast Track Dental Assisting School. - 37070 Newark Blvd , N ewark , CA , US A , 94560 -Professional CPR and AED. -From American Academy Orthopedic Surgeons. - Fremont Adult School. -Observership at Dr. Alaa Al Atar's clinic. - Jordan / amman -I used to observe Dr. Alaa in the clinic while he is working on the patient, also I used to clean and sterilize the instruments, organize and disinfect the clinic after each patient. - Dental Assistant at Dr. Shoker's dental clinics. - 3456 Mowry Avenue , Fremont , CA , USA . (Fremont office) -1295 South Park, vectoria Drive, Milpitas, CA, USA.(Milpitas office) -I am currently working as a dental assistant for more than seven Different dentists in the same clinic. (1/2) -Dental Assistant for Dr. Tamer Alpagot DDS, Ph.D (he is a professor At Arther A. Dugone School of Dentistry – University of the Pacific). -At Shoker's dental clinic( Fremont office). -3456 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA, USA . -I am assisting Dr. Tamer Alpagot one day a week, I assist him while he does All kinds of gum surgery. - Dental Assistant for Dr. Jiang, (he is an oral surgeon). -At Shoker's dental clinic ( Milpitas office). -1295 South Park, vectoria Drive, Milpitas, CA, USA -I assist Dr, Jiang one day every two weeks. I assist him while he does all kinds of surgical extractions. -Volunteer job at American Red Cross. -Nework city / Fremont city, CA, USA. -I am currently volunteering, I am doing two positions. First Position I do registration( welcome the donors and take their names and prepare their files). Second position, I do canteen (provide the donors with nutritions) Awards& honors : -2009 -golden medal in a soccer champion league. -sport department in Jordan University of Science an Technology . - Jordan-Irbid. -2010 - silver medal in a soccer champion league . -sport department in Jordan University of Science an Technology . - Jordan /Irbid. i USED to do observenship at Dr. ala's clinic durind my previous college, i used to do that for almost 8 hours a week. ----i have assisted periodontist,with his work for the past year. In doing so, I have gained some insight on the daily duties of the periodontist. I am inclined to follow his example and explore my future as a periodontist after graduation. However, I remain open-minded about the other possible career paths in dentistry such as research and general dentistry. As I talk to professors and colleagues at the university of the pacific, I am confident that the IDS program will allow me to explore my options and pursue a mixture of different paths best suited for me. also i feel that i love surgery and i have some attraction toward the surgery and i feel that i have some good hand work and skills that i have gotten during my previous dental school and during my working while assisting other doctor, so i think that i will be good in the surgery specially the gum surgery. #### please answere each question seperatly.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dentistry Personal Statement Name Institution Date Due Since childhood I have always had strong interest in dentistry, and I used to perceive it very fascinating when people went to a dentist for dental care. Thus, as a child growing up in Iraq, I often enjoyed my visits to a dentist. My interest in dentistry was further prompted by our family dentist who was a trusted family friend who always strived to make me feel at home in a sterile working environment. His charming enthusiasm and passion for his work tremendously increased my passion in dentistry. However, it was until 2003 when my interest in dentistry heightened to unstoppable levels during my initial two year course in pharmacy at Bagdad University in Iraq. This made me to take the initial steps towards a career in dentistry when I moved to Jordan to pursue a course in dentistry, while at the same time regularly visiting my family dentist to observe and learn the ways of handling and treating patients with various dental problems. Since graduation from Jordan where I studied a course in dentistry, I have worked in several places on part time basis. For instance, I used to do observership at Dr. Alaa Al Atar’s clinic in Jordan where I used to observe Dr. Alaa in the clinic while he is working on the patient, as well as cleaning and sterilizing the instruments, organizing and disinfecting the clinic after each patient for about 8 hours a week. In the US, I have worked under seven dentists as a dental assistant at Dr. Shoker’s dental clinics for approximately one day for each. These include Dr. Jiang (oral surgeon) and Dr. Tamer Alpagot (gum surgeon). My experience in dentistry is fantastic, since the positions I have held have extensively enhanced my knowledge and skills in dentistry. In addition, the exposure in the dental service has considerably elevated my passion in the field. Being exposed to more advanced dental technology in the U.S.A has considerably bettered my skills and knowledge in the field. This is bec...
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