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Water Scarcity in the Middle East

Essay Instructions:


  1. Examine and research an environmental issue of your choice related to one region of the Earth. It can be at the local level or on a global scale – just make sure it is specific. Complete the project template to document your research (included).
    1. Topics must connect the environmental issue to one or more of the 6 elements of Geography in a particular region of your choice (as studied in this class)

The final project must be typed – using APA format

  1. Double spaced
  2. Times New Roman font
  3. 12 point
  4. 1” margins all around
  5. Please using section headings as provided in the outline and put spaces between each section for readability.
  6. An outline template has been included to help you address the questions/sections required of this type of term project.
  7. The project must use full paragraphs, point form is not permitted in the final product.
    1. Each section in the template outline should be one paragraph minimum.
  8. Proper grammar and English conventions are required.
  9. Students referencing and in-text citation using APA.
  10. At least 5 reputable sources must be included.
    1. Be aware sites like Wikipedia are not considered reputable sources, try using government and other reputable professional organizational sites.
  11. See the grading rubric for details on the project evaluation
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Water Scarcity in the Middle East
The Middle East is a complicated region with several elements that lead to deadly and enduring wars. The imperial breaking up of the region to serve the interests of European colonial powers, which cut over all types of ethnic, religious, and tribal divides, creating new artificial, legal borders and even new nations, are examples of such forces. This destabilized the region since these new borders were rarely recognized as legal. The second is the establishment of the Zionist State of Israel, which has resulted in the loss of the Palestinian homeland and huge refugee displacement across the area (Dolatyar & Gray, 2015). Third, and more recently, the invasions of Iraq and the deployment of US forces in the Gulf nations and Saudi Arabia completely changed the regional power balance. They enraged many contemporary jihadists, including Osama bin Laden. The fourth reason is the region's oil riches and its strategic and economic relevance to a hegemonic state seeking to gain essential influence over any rival force (Tropp & Jagerskog, 2016). Although these aspects are critical, it is beyond the scope of this article to investigate them further. However, if one wants to comprehend the water problem and how to fix it, it is critical to consider the region's larger political outlines. This is by developing a policy to protect its remaining and still important interests in that region in an era of austerity and fierce power competition, both in the region and globally.
With large land and freshwater removal rates, groundwater depletion is an issue in every country in the region. Water supplies per capita in the region are barely one-sixth of the world average and are quickly diminishing (Tropp & Jagerskog, 2016). This implies that agriculture competes with industry and other businesses for water. Furthermore, the climate, which is mostly dry to hyper-arid and unpredictable, is altering, with floods being considerably more frequent (Roudi-Fahimi et al., 2017).  Middle Eastern nations have been at the forefront of developing water management strategies and techniques in dry climes and example is the development of water infiltration systems by removing biological pollutants from polluted water in order to provide safe and clean water for a specified use, such as drinking, medicinal, or pharmaceutical purposes. However, owing to legal and policy inefficiencies in certain countries, flood control systems have failed to warn of a potential water crisis. They have unknowingly contributed to the depletion of natural resources by neglecting to provide incentives to reduce water usage and promote conservation in some cases. As a result, the present water crisis has reached previously unheard-of proportions, necessitating regional collaboration.
In some Middle Eastern countries, fragility has become the norm. Military struggle and forced displacement have been costing many lives since the turn of the century. The area has accounted for around 60% of all battle deaths worldwide. The region's vulnerability exacerbates the region's water problems. Before the latest political upheaval, some Middle Eastern countries were trying to manage their water supplies accountably and expand coverage of the provision of water. The deepening of water shortages and deterioration of water delivery is currently due to a combination of geopolitical and institutional constraints (Roudi-Fahimi et al., 2017).  Despite being one of the best achievers in the area in terms of Global Goals, Syria's prolonged upheaval has pushed more than 3 million people into poverty (Tropp & Jagerskog, 2016).
Waterborne infections have become more common as access to adequate water and sanitation has diminished. As a result, since the Syrian conflict began, the death rate among children under five has tripled. Food insecurity affects about 10 million Yemenis or 46% of the population, and over 12 million people lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation (Tropp & Jagerskog, 2016). Vulnerability is exacerbated by a failure to so...
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