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The Potential Impacts of Finfish Expansion in Nova Scotia

Essay Instructions:

Briefing note
Imagine that you work for NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and you were asked to write a briefing note to the “Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture on Nova Scotia” on the “the potential impacts of finfish aquaculture expansion in Nova Scotia” and recommendations on how to move this forward.
You can check the attached file to understand the structure of a briefing note. Although references are not strictly needed in a “real” briefing note, their use is strongly recommended for this assignment.
The assignment should be 2 pages (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Subject:The Potential Impacts of Finfish Expansion in Nova Scotia
Several factors should be considered for the expansion of the finfish aquaculture in Nova Scotia, Canada. The government proposed the four pillars as the foundation for the expansion strategy for all aligned departments within the area to collaborate effectively (Nova Scotia, 2012). This presents the possible risks and opportunities that could arise within the said expansion.
* Potential impacts on the ecological and economic status,
* Encouragement of halting or stopping the expansion,
* A possible decision by December 18, 2021, and action by the start of the year 2022.
Finnis (2021) defined aquaculture as cultivating aquatic animals and was proposed as an alternative for commercial fishing. Following are some brief history and current status of variously implemented strategies for aquaculture within Canada to Nova Scotia (Milewski & Smith, 2019):
* Canada’s first strategy in the year 1995, Federal Aquaculture Development Strategy, and after implementation, it was considered with monotonic effect,
* In the same year, a sea-cage fish farm in Port Mouton Bay of Nova Scotia was licensed to cultivate aquatic organisms in the territory where traditional lobsters lived but instead resulted in a decrease in production,
* Birth of a new framework in the year 2002, DFO’s Aquaculture Policy Framework, which established the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO),
* A second fish farm was being reviewed in Port Mouton Bay, and during the same time frame, Friends of Port Mouton Bay (FPMB) and Marine Finfish Aquaculture Decision Support System (MFAFSS) were established,
* By the year 2009, Canada was ranked one of the lowest-performing aquaculture producers and later formulated a new strategy titled National Aquaculture Strategic Action Plan Initiative,
* In the end, when the monitored data was released in 2012, the second fish farm was not approved, which led them not to renew its lease for 2020.
With the current possibility of expansion, several factors should be considered for it such as ecological and economic factors:
* The olfacto...
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